Newborn Baby On An Arm Photo by Vera Kratochvil
God’s Word Today:
Matt 18:3-4 NCV
Then he said, “I tell you the truth, you must change and become like little children. Otherwise, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. The greatest person in the kingdom of heaven is the one who makes himself humble like this child.
Thoughts to Ponder:
What does “humble like a child” mean?
A child often would have faith like no other.
They would give their whole heart to their parents in their realization that they are in need of help.
Never too self-dependent in their daily existence, they rely on their parents from food, to clothing , care, love and protection.
They look to their parents for understanding their emotions and for guidance in what’s ahead of them.
They are humble enough to be molded through the love of their parents.
As Christians, let us also be humble like children.
Let us recognize that in our daily existence we need our heavenly Father.
We need His guidance, care and love always.
Dear Father,
In our human nature, at times, we fail to be humble enough to trust our very lives in your care.
Help us to be dependent in like children in Your absolute power, loving all-knowing guidance and tender love.
In Jesus Name, Amen.- See more at:
What a beautiful picture. I have eight, all of mine are far too big for this now, I miss it. But, I will have grand babies soon enough, as mine are growing up.
That's great @markrmorrisjr! Thanks for the comment and vote!