giftedwords Quotes part 1

in #inspirational7 years ago

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  • The best preparation for tomorrow
    is doing your best today.

  • Life is not about waiting for the
    storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain.

  • Start by doing what's necessary;
    then do what is possible; and
    suddenly you are doing the impossible.

  • Dreams and dedication are a
    powerful combination.

  • Don't worry about failures,
    worry about the chances you
    miss when you don't even try.

  • nothing is impossible it is only
    impossible when you say it is.

  • quitters don't win because
    winners don't quit.

  • you don't fail when you lost,
    you only fail when you stop trying.

  • put God first in all your plan
    and your plans will be successful.

  • when it rains look for rainbows.
    when it's dark look for stars.