Starting Small can be rewarding.


Having lived for some time on earth I have seen people transform from nothing to become heros that the world seeks to reckon with. I have also seen seeds sown to the ground sprout to become mighty trees with leaves and branches and some also produce even better seeds. In my experience of development and transformation one thing can be said to be true which is consistency to reach the desired goal. I can imagine the seed in ground trying so hard to sprout and raise its head just above the ground. Against all odds and limitations the sown seeds struggles to put out its head from where it was buried. Today i ask you. What have you been consistent with in the past 5years of your existence. Where have you buried your face? What efforts have you made to at least bring your face to see the light. Consistency will sure do the magic. Define your dreams and take consistent steps to living it. If your dream life is your destination have you joined the transit in consistent motion to lead to your destination.?