Video: Understanding Sacred Relationships

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

Everything in this existence is sacred. You. Your family. Your environment. Everything is part of the One. The Source. And everything in your life – from circumstances to relationships can offer us a great opening to know the truth of who we truly are.

The greatest suffering that we are experiencing right now is the notion that you are separate from Source. While I believe that every single thing that has been happening until this far in your life has a purpose.

Sacred Relationships and Soul Contracts

Let me start off by saying every relationship that you have been attracting until this far in your life are sacred. Relationships are a great way to understand where you have been embodying separation or embodying the divine that you are. This means that the word ‘sacred’ doesn’t imply that everything is blissful and rosy all the time. The relationships in our lives can offer us a great opening to know the truth of who we truly are. And shine the light on aspects we most need for our Soul to grow. The aspects where there is still a pattern to be healed. And that’s a tough one to accept sometimes.


Even during the messiest shitstorm challenging times, our Soul is able to thrive knowing our divine encounters with one and another are mostly the greatest opportunities for growth. Everything has a purpose if you believe that. And that is something to be very grateful for. I truly believe that the people that are in our lives right now are meant to be there. And a lot of us have signed contracts long time before we came into this physical form. To teach us valuable lessons in this Earth School. And to meet each other again and again in this lifetime and other lifetimes.

In my truth bomb video I’m exploring this topic about sacred relationships.

From my inspired heart to yours. May we rise in love. May we know ourselves as the divine Co-creator with God/ess.

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Photo: Unsplash