Seasons, what are they?

Or is there more than that, can seasons also be symbolic of times in our lives? Ecclesiastes tells us "To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven" Ecclesiastes 3:1 (Amplified). What might be our purpose or our time? Can we be in season and out of season, or are we somewhere in between?
Last year was a challenging season for the world, we found yet another new virus that not only could wipe out a large number of the old and infirmed, but it also put fear into the hearts of man. Because of fear we lost freedoms that we once held dear to ourselves. People were lead to believe if only we masked up and stayed away from our loved ones, closed up stores and went into hiding this would soon be over. But alas our government was just getting started, they found the key to take our freedom and oh it was just so easy.
A new season is arising, one that will show a rebirth, a new wind blowing. "A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace." Ecclesiastes 3:8 (Amp) Is a war coming, maybe, maybe not, but an awakening is for those who have lost too much and even for those who have grown weary with the draconian regulations and rules. Enough of lock downs and fear mongering we are awakening to a new season, one that looks like freedom.

Enjoy the beauty of nature and the people who surround you. God has given us beauty for ashes, the sweet rain of spring to bring forth newness. Live your best life, whatever that may be to you, life is worth living even on the darkest night. Joy comes in the morning, hold on don't let go of life for there is an adventure just waiting to happen.
I found this many years ago and saved it into my photos so that I could always remember where I've come from and where I am going. It's a journey that takes a life time to discover, stay true to yourself, you are important.
In whatever season you find yourself, spring, summer, autumn or winter, be kind to yourself, love yourself, when you can do that you can make the difference in the world you want to see. Arise, God is not done with you yet... but you must get up out of that comfortable position to move into your next season.
The beauty of life is mixed with thorns
All content is mine, otherwise cited
Photos were taken with my Cannon EOS T2i Rebel or my iPhone
follow me @pinkdragonfly
Beautiful, strong, calibrated, and empowering content.
I needed this. I hope this new spring will bring me my health back and that I can walk and move again properly.
I love the photo with you on top of the stairs and nature around.
Broken pottery needs gold...our daily life needs appreciation and livingness, enjoyment. I am glad I have discovered you and the @ladiesofhive community.
Thank you so much for your comment, that means a lot to me.