Dear steemians the steemit life is becoming more and more difficult every day. So many haters, flagging and negativity !These days, when hundreds of people register every day we need something positive and inspiring , we need to be noticed !
Many of you spend hours and hours on your blog, you make great projects but no one really sees them . I may have a solution for you . Today want to introduce the new Inspiration Token.
You might ask:
How this works and how will help ?
1. The inspiration token will be used to inspire people by rewarding random acts of kindness and positivity. We believe that even small positive acts can have a profound effect on the world. Positivity and kindness spread like ripples throughout communities as people who receive acts of kindness are much more likely to perform other acts of kindness, much like the idea of paying it forward.
2. Inspiration tokens can be used to promote your blog or your project by trading them to us to run contests based on your project where we can spread awareness by getting many people to post about your project or blog. You will also gain an exclusive interview on our Beyond Bitcoin Radio show where you can introduce your project or blog to a global audience.
Me and the people who decided to support this project will promote you and your project in Steemit and in every other possible place .
How to get some Inspiration Tokens ?
The purpose of the Inspiration token is to inspire the people of steemit.
We will have free give aways for every one. The people who decide to support the project will be able to win tokens , buy or exchange on the BTS Market. We will reward acts of kindness , positivity and motivation.
You will be able also to exchange Your project token for Inspiration tokens. If you have a project,you already have a token ....... join us !
We will collect these project tokens and they will be spread among the owners of Inspiration token ! There will be limited amount of Inspiration tokens so don't miss your chance !
Why do I think this is useful ?
Positive thinking is actually to learn to believe that you can succeed in your endeavors, to be pleased with what you have, to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Look at things more positively to make sure that fate is on your side and that there is an exit even though you do not see it right now. Positive thinking does not bring any material benefit, but it gives you some inner strength and guidance on how to achieve what you are setting out to do.
Believe there is always a solution.........
If you want to be more positive, do not lose hope even at times when it seems impossible. There is no problem you can't deal with, so trust yourself and your own strengths. Do not forget that after every bad thing comes more happiness.
I would like to motivate the people , and build a chain. If every person inspires someone else we can really change the world !
Our tasks will be simple , make something good happen , inspire someone to do one act of kindness or just be a good person and make someone smile !
I hope you will like and support my project!
Feel the spirit of the inspiration , motivate every one around you and stay positive !
Contact me in Discord Whaleshares !
Stay positive and many smiles !!!
Great initiative! Wonderful idea and a awesome way to get people inspired. claps Well done @patelincho.
You do this all the time , inspire people ! I can only give you respect :)
Wow. This is so inspiring. Thank you!
Telkomsel 3GB Rp 10.000 Telkomsel Telkomsel is valid for 4G sympathetic card. Seriously Min only 10rb silver doank ?? SERIOUS. So this is really a golden opportunity for you who hunt cheap package Telkomsel. Okay guys .. we do not need to extend it again just follow the way list of packages 10gb tc 3GB or internet package sympathy 3g 10rb loop it.
Telkomsel Database 3GB 10Ribu Latest
Provide a 4G sympathy prime card yes of course.
Provide 20rb pulses in the card (koq 20rb ?? He said 10rb? !!! .... Patience there is a trick continued koq)
For the dial code or its access code is * 567 * 1 * 2 * 1 * 1 #
Once the dial code has been done, then there will be a confirmation sms purchase. To type FLASH YES send to 3636.
To check the bonus code dial * 889 # or via sms with FLASH INFO format send 3636.
Well after the success will be noif sms that you can Cash Back pulse 10rb rupiah (Bener just 10rb right ?? hehehe)
For Cash Back Taking follow the way yes.
For Distribution Quotas are 500Mb local data, 1.5GB on 4G networks, and 1GB of music Sky stream. 30 days active
Realy ? Why ? You spam every post dont be upset when every one flag you .....
Reason for flag - spam !
Great effort inspiring the positivity within people!
I hope i can do this but not alone !
Finally an initiative for minnows that I can get behind 100%. This is going to be awesome! Full support!
Thank you glad i have so awesome person like you to support me :)
Oh hell yeah! Tell me when they will be ready on the DEX. :)
They are issued :)
I will support your tokens and your positive outlook! I live my life in a positive fashion and I want my steemit voice to be that of positive inspiration as well. I hope these become huge @patelincho!
The Last Sage
Thank you very much , you are one of the kindness persons i know :)
Wow thanks for such a wonderful comment. Keep on smiling and living and loving!
And stay positive :)
jxt be possitive patelincho n hope for the best... :-)
Hope we all can be more positive :)
Thats awesome! There are so many incentives to create and post content on this website. Its astonishing.
Yes , glad you like it :)
I can't wait to hold some INSPIRATION. This looks like a great project @patelincho!
Thank you very much but the positivity of Hairshares is hard to reach !
Cool cool cool inspiration tokens !
Hope will be cool !
Wow great post. This is a great initiative @patelincho. I will support your tokens in all possible ways and your idea to inspire people and spread positivity. Steemit is a great community and its all positive vibe around. Full support from me !! Way to go Steemians !!
This days steem become more sad , flaging , and negative place . Hope we can change this together !
Well said
Thank you :)
Yes, Yes, Yes! Count me in! Well said!
Love and Peace,
We will need every positive person , thank you for support !
Muy buena iniciativa!!!
Thank you :)
Hi, I have a project in the works. How does one get a project token?
Join us in Discord is not easy to explayn this thing in comments :)
With this kind of initiative, I belief we upcoming will get something done
I hope we will :)
I am still waiting to see what hf 20 will bring to the platform.. We really need a revamp on the platform because it is really pourly organized. Also thanks for sharing this positive article to boost moral, people really need it these days.
Yes , negativity is all over around . People are depresed fro price , payments ........ we need to look over this things !
And If so, then again give inspiration token to you in exchange of audience on my blog.. Is that right ?Well, first of all a great appreciation for this project of yours. I am moved by this token logic. But one question for you @patelincho. Suppose I have some whaleshares or beyondbits, so can I exchange those with inspiration token?
See is not so easy . I wil answer you like this - Only buyng some tokens wont be enough . You need to do acts of kidnes and motivate others . You blog or project have to be really worth the promotion :)
Thank you. Well you have already explained everything to me on discord. So, I am now educated about it :) Thanks again.
I am always with anybody who can spread positive values & thoughts! I am not too clear about your proposal and how it may work. But just the fact that you speak of positivity is enough to draw me closer. Great initiative!
I think very soon i will be able to show how will works . Is only intro here :)
Very good post :) rewardong kindness is not something you see everywhere!
People have to stop being selfish , maybe in life not always good is payd with good but here we can try !
Reason for flag - spam !
Thank you :)
(and not downvoting... xD)
Ohh this days i think some people realy desurve it , i use to mute spam but not any longer :)
Thank you for dispatching such things from this platform. They are starting to be everywhere… It’s like playing a game of whack-a-mole. They just keep popping up!!!!!!!!!!!
This make me so sad , from one side they are desparate .... for other side is so anoyng .....!
If they were this desperate they would kindly take the advice people keep leaving. Engage with the community in a positive way and watch their own life improve. I recently gave up on trying to be nice to them when they started to respond back rather nasty to me. Some people just want to burn the world with them.
I prefer to see pink swans!!! Oh, they are awesome!
Pexels edit with Lunapic
Wow i love them , they look magick !
hides the mute button from patelincho...
Wow if you behave right no need to hide :)
I definitely agree to that. :)
All hail the Red Queen!! ^u^

These blogs motivate me a lot! Please continue so!
Sure i will do the same :)
Very good
Great job! Keep up the good work and spreading inspiration!
Thank you i will like if we do this together !
Sure, where do we start?
I guess I should check my replies section more often!
Fully support you from my side @patelincho! This is much needed after all the negativity we have been witnessing these days! Amazing idea! @progressivechef
I think this is just the right time !
Absolutely right @patelincho! I would like to know more abt it though and how to get some!
Sure i will add more things very soon :)
Is there a website for this token ?
Not yet maybe soon will be :)
I totally love this idea.!!
Thank you so much for support :)
Great initiative Queen.... I too face such times when I put in sooo much efforts in a post and at last I receive no upvotes at all.... I wish no one has to face such situation.....
It will be a option , hard timse we have now on steemit !
YES! Since ive joined this site im constantly seeing posts and blogs based not just on positivity, but also actively promoting it! This is a beautiful idea and im grateful there are people out there to offer these kinds of opportunities :)
We can do it together !
It's always nice to see people use the influence they gain on this platform in a positive and creative fashion. This sounds like a great way to help enable those to see a dream, work on that dream, make that dream a reality.
And follow your dreams ! Thank you very much for comment , many bad things we see around but is up to us to change this !
i am running a self funded music competition for produced original music on steemit and am looking for sponsorship - your token looks good but i dont understand how to use all this stuff outside of steemit -anyone who wants to help please comment on my blog.
Contakt me in Discord and i will explayn you more , or any way soon you will see how will works :)
It's great to have positive people like you around!
I hope we will be more very soon :) You are positive to !
This inspires me to do great things!
I know you and i see you doing great things every day ! Just dont stop :)
Gorgeous your post
Thank you :)
These are awesome! :) So creative.
Always believe, and always achieve!! I gave you a follow :) Talk soon.
See you around and stay positive !
Excellent initiative! Positive mindset is the key of success! 💎 Best of luck with your project!!:)
I dont think this project can be mine , maybe i put the words but will be for everyone :)
Who is "us" ?
Me and the people who will deside support the project :)
Can I have a blue one ? What do I need to do ?

No idea , what you talk about ?
How can I help you?
Just stary positive and do good :)
@patelincho This is beautiful! Thank you for your kind spirit <3
We will change the world :)
There you go spreading more positivity! I love it! I hope your initiative is very successful!
I hope it will go good , this can change everything :)
Actually sometimes it's wrong being positive gives us confidence not the win and when we lose sometimes it's so disappointing can't even explain it
Wow i clear explayn what positive means , the real positive people aren disapointed of loses they are inspierd to do better and give more ....
Good effort... Hopefully it will benefited every smeetian who deserved attention due to their idea and effort... Hopefully all well ends well...
I will make sure will benefit every one who desurve it :)
Great idea!!! I'm new, but really enjoying the experience, and fantastic folks here on Steemit! Such an upbeat, and - Inspiring - place! @patelincho I noticed you up voted my post about cast iron cookware! Thought I'd drop by, and return the favor!!!
You dont need to :) I will love if people vote me because they like what i do :)
I feel this is going to impact the community very hard #Epic. #KeepSteemitAlive.
I hope i will imact but even if i help only one person will be fine :)
Thanks for share... And gays i am new here so plz follow me
Wow .... did you read the post ?
Hey @patelincho , would love to offer you a slot on my podcast sometime.
It is about people doing remarkable things, whether entrepreneurs or not.
Where we talk about what you are doing, believe in and what difference you are making in the world.
It is part youtube channel where the mission is to help 1,000,000 entrepreneurs become remarkable, and the podcast acts as a way to share stories and connect with people.
Here is the playlist of the existing episodes:
It is audio only over skype. Would love you to come on the show and talk about yourself. Does this sound of interest to you?
Can you please contakt me on discorad about ?
What is your name on Discord? Mine is Nantchev7312
But the podcast is only done via Skype, please bear that in mind.
I send you friend invite same name patelincho :)
I have messaged you on Discord.
Sudahkah Anda menggunakan aplikasi Slack atau di PC Anda? Desktop eSteem akan seperti itu hanya untuk Steem, kemungkinan di mana imajinasi Anda mengarah dan aplikasi seluler adalah langkah pertama :-)
Have you used Slack or apps on your PC ? eSteem desktop will be just like that only for Steem, possibilities where your imagination leads and mobile app was first step :-)
Hmm idk what are you speaking about .... !
Telkomsel 3GB Rp 10.000 Telkomsel Telkomsel is valid for 4G sympathetic card. Seriously Min only 10rb silver doank ?? SERIOUS. So this is really a golden opportunity for you who hunt cheap package Telkomsel. Okay guys .. we do not need to extend it again just follow the way list of packages 10gb tc 3GB or internet package sympathy 3g 10rb loop it.
Telkomsel Database 3GB 10Ribu Latest
Provide a 4G sympathy prime card yes of course.
Provide 20rb pulses in the card (koq 20rb ?? He said 10rb? !!! .... Patience there is a trick continued koq)
For the dial code or its access code is * 567 * 1 * 2 * 1 * 1 #
Once the dial code has been done, then there will be a confirmation sms purchase. To type FLASH YES send to 3636.
To check the bonus code dial * 889 # or via sms with FLASH INFO format send 3636.
Well after the success will be noif sms that you can Cash Back pulse 10rb rupiah (Bener just 10rb right ?? hehehe)
For Cash Back Taking follow the way yes.
For Distribution Quotas are 500Mb local data, 1.5GB on 4G networks, and 1GB of music Sky stream. 30 days active
Reason for flag - spam !