Daily Inspiration #78 - Peter Drucker - Efficiently Wasted Time

in #inspiration7 years ago

Daily Inspiration #78
Peter Drucker
Efficiently Wasted Time

Peter Ferdinand Drucker (November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005) was an Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation. He was also a leader in the development of management education, he invented the concept known as management by objectives and self-control, and he has been described as "the founder of modern management".

Peter Drucker.jpg

I've got a nice one from Peter today.

“There is nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency something that should not be done at all.”

Ssssssmack! lol

Ok so I get a kick out of this one.

How many times have we all done a ton of work on something only to realize very far into it that it was completely unnecessary?

I know I have!

What a waste!

The only thing we can hope for at that point is that we've learned something during the process.

It's an easy thing to do really.

You're working on a project, you continue in what seems to be the next logical direction, then something happens.

busy stay busy.jpg

Maybe the landscape changes, or your choice of direction was all wrong or even the project itself needed to take an unexpected turn.

Whatever the case, you have efficiently done something now that did not need to be done at all.

This also happens for another reason.

Ever started something you didn't finish?

Sometimes we'll start too many things at once and never finish some or any of them.

Sometimes we will give up somewhere in the middle.

Sometimes we will decide "it's not for us" and just stop doing it.

Whatever the case, we stop doing it.


Why is this such a big deal?

Well, whenever we start something, it begins to grow.

It builds energy and momentum.

As it grows it becomes easier to keep it going and we get closer to whatever goal we are shooting for.

In the beginning of something is almost always when the hardest work is done.

Once we hit a breaking point we begin to see rewards that finally make it worth the initial efforts.

When we jump from thing to thing like this we are effectively always doing the hardest work for the least payout.


We are also nearly always jumping out before the big rewards begin to manifest.

I can't agree with Peter more here.

It is useless.

I've done this so many times in my life it's nearly embarrassing to think about.

I've learned a lot from these times but man....

If I had just chose something 20 years ago and pushed until the rewards started coming in, who knows where I would be today.

So if you have started something you really believe in stick it out.

The momentum will build and the rewards will begin to show.


“There is nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency something that should not be done at all.”

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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This make me remember the 15 years sacrifice I did for my last job man! I started working in the hotel industry in 2001 as a trainee cook! I worked hard and the dream was to be one day the Executive Chef of a 5 star hotel!
In 2014 finally the dream became reality...yes I was appointed Exec Chef of the Westin Mauritius and you know what...in 2016 the dream grew even bigger! I was appointed Exec Chef of The St Regis Mauritius , one of the best of the whole country!
But...after working for couple of months...I decided to quit! The rewards/salary was really very big, but I just chose to stop as I was not getting that pleasure I was looking for. From $6500 to $0!!!
I am again starting a new adventure with Steemit and will surely work hard to achieve what I have planned! Well the future will confirm if i am successful or not.

By the looks of your story, I have no doubt you will rise quickly back again.

You know i have to give you props. There are not many people that can keep a single goal for 15 years man!

Great job!

Couldn't agree more. Time is so valuable and precious, it is something we can't get back. So to do something not worth doing in the first place, well that would be a waste of time! :) Thanks for the article.

you bet man. You are very correct. Why waste time?

:) Live in the moment, make each one count.

Absolutely! Live in the moment!

The most precious thing, we are westing most. that is "time"

its absolutely true mohammed :)

Great post, I have been fortunate or unfortunate to work for a very Beauracratic organization for coming up to 30 years so I have seen this far to many times giving projects to do that you know are never going to go anywhere but have to do the work anyway

And why Fortunate you may wonder Happening so many times at work I have learnt the lesson and try to not let myself waste time on pointless projects in my private life :)

this is spot on... regarding government....for sure!

Imagine a combination of the worst of all governments that's what I deal with 😎

augh! You need to write articles and retire on your steem for sure! LOL

a few of us have talked about writing stories about our field time they would make a good stories for sure, but writing is not my forte :)

I think you do just wonderful!

Maybe when I retire and have more time

Very inspirational post. You and I seem to b on similar journeys. I was once compared to a pinwheel....to many points spinnng out and of control. 😄

haha, thats a new one. Love it. Definitely been there :)

This post should have my name on it because I am the King of doing this stuff! I'm so bad for putting too much time and energy in to something very low on the priority list.

Wow man, way to call yourself out! lol

I've been very guilty myself of this too :)

LOL I know, it's sad but true.

Love the quote! Very true, I've done that myself quite few times.

very good inspiration....have a great day..

Thanks! you too

Time is money and I'm not wasting money, why should I waste time?

Well said!

Great post man! Thanks for sharing

Time never stops or pauses no matter how the world behaves.

Hardwok pays!

It does indeed :)

A very one which kinda relates with me!

Definitely relate to this one! It is kind of like a medical test...what am I going to do with the results? If I were to think ...hard (which I won't and bring up the negatives) I could come up with many projects I feel this way about! LOL

Melissa Love to you today @michaeldavid,

Thanks Melissa!

It's true kind of a test :)

Oh! Man your post are really fantastic.bravo man