I am inspired to write on woman of great honour, which God use massively for the growth of the nation and the world at large am writing this article because I was a witness of the abuse a lady encounter of resent which make her think less of herself, the mentality of an average African is that woman are just good at the kitchen which I can say a strong NO.
Women are good, caring, loving, precious, wonderful, a good adviser ,a good role model, they are the best creature ever. I will say that to all people thinking they are just a less being should change their thought about them and look at the best part of them.
At this juncture I will say #saynotowomenabuse #sayyestowomendevelopment
To those who inspired me @ategun a good friend in the bad time @euronation a great personality that I met on this great platform.@surpassinggoggle a good fellow.
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