This should inspire you!

in #inspiration7 years ago

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” Earl Nightingale

We hear from a lot of our followers on Instagram on a regular basis about how they wish they could start their own business, and be where we are, and the truth is you have to change your thinking from “wish” to “I will”. In the beginning of our business, that we didn’t even know was a business, there was a greater vision for our future. We saw and envisioned the things we have now like a kiln, a delivery truck, and awesome team members. It starts with your thoughts and in your mind. Keep that vision of your future in front of you and it will be what you move towards.

We also do a lot of tool giveaways over on our Instagram account but we've recently thought about doing a tool giveaway here on Steemit. Is this something that you would like? If so let us know in the comments below. If we get enough interest we might just do the first giveaway this week!!!

Here are some photos of our current 6,000 sq. ft. workshop and our awesome team.







nice shop....... beats my little 2 car garage....... but mine is perfect for what I have going on..... I just need to get the excess crap out of the way that is left over from the recent move......

Thanks brother! Even in a shop like this it's always a challenge to keep excess crap from piling up. It's a never ending struggle!!!

Good job guys! And yes, whatever you manifest in your mind becomes reality. Thanks for sharing and keep up the hard work.

Thanks HustleKing!

Oh my gosh Matt! This is so amazing!! I would absolutely love to know more about woodworking and I have a feeling I might learn a thing or two from you ;). This is gonna sound sexist but it's not meant to be... From the pictures I don't see that any of your teammates are females, is it just because there's not a huge pool of female carpenters? Do you guys ever have any guests to your shop? I would love to come and shadow you for a day or two and provide free labor haha.

And obviously I'm ALL FOR free tools so lets DO IT!

Bunnymoney great observation. We do have a few females that work for us but they are on our marketing team. We have been on the hunt for a female carpenter but just haven't found the right person yet. We're thinking of doing workshops in the future and tours. We'll do a post on here if we ever do that so you'll be able to know in advance.

Greetings from Slovenia.
Keep up the good work guys and girls! Its always nice to read something inspirational. Also the design of your website is very nice.

Thanks Paletko! We appreciate your kind words!!!

I absolutely agree. What we think about every day we become. I have envisaged the future and it never fails to come into fruition.
The tool give away sound great and will help promote woodworking on steemit. Cool workshop by the way, Total envy , its massive. Thanks man

Thanks Jist. Great to hear that you on on the same vibe as us. Keep those positive vibes going brother!!!

And just like that, my garage turned into a broom closet. Very nice shop.

Haha!!! Thanks man!