Positivity Challenge: Maintaining Your Mindset When the Sh*t Hits The Fan!

in #inspiration8 years ago

So, today, my resolve to be positive gets tested. A source of income that I’ve been counting on for the last several months, stopped abruptly, with one more payment still to go, or so I thought. It wouldn’t have been such a huge blow, except, I just used my reserves to make deposits on a rent house and needed that money to complete the first rent payment, on Sunday!

AGGGHHHHHAAAA!!! So, what happens to positivity when we run smack into a brick wall? Do we lose our sense of faith in the universe? Do we forget all those “coincidences” that led us to this point in the first place, or do we simply soldier on? I think, if we truly want to be in the center of the universe’s good will for us, we have to do more.

That’s why, following my initial obscene melt down upon discovering this fact, I’ve decided to open up my mind to possibilities. Here I am, with enough to handle the basics in this situation, and a few cents left over, if I’m careful. So, rather than continue to freak out, sorry, but yeah, I did! I’m opening my eyes and looking for the opportunity here.

Inside every cloud is a silver lining, or so we’re told. With every trial, comes an opportunity to grow. The list of clichés that apply to this circumstance are inexhaustible, just like the opportunities that they point to. But, they don’t do much to make us feel better, or put any coins in the pocket, do they?

Here’s my plan.

I’m going to go on as if this was in the plan all along.

In reality, I simply misunderstood my situation. This source of income was going to drop off at this point no matter what I did. I just didn’t realize it. So, the fact is, nothing has changed and too many times in life this is true. We are trusting in something we thought was solid, but it was all built up in our minds out of mist to begin with.

I didn’t lose any money, it’s just not coming when I expected it, and now other sources will have to come into play to make things work. This needed to happen. I was relying on an inherently limited source of supply, when I probably should have focused on new avenues before now.

That’s the truth.

But in my imagination, the universe dropped the ball, on top of me. And it wasn’t like a tiny golf ball, oh now, that would just leave a little lump, right? It was like one of those 25 pound medicine balls your trainer thinks you can lift more times than you count, but your body disagrees. I felt crushed.

The truth is, the universe already had another plan from the very beginning.
I’m going to stay grateful for all the little miracles that led to this moment.
We shouldn’t have been in a position to have the money to do this right now, by any stretch, but we were. We probably never should have qualified for the house, but we did. There were any number of obstacles in our way, but we overcame them to make this jump much sooner than anticipated, and I didn’t have a single thing to do with any of it.

We’ve found really great deals on some furniture we needed, and some things have simply fallen into our laps for free, like a $4000 washer/dryer set that a family member has decided to replace. It’s a been a time of huge, unexpected blessings and in reality, this is not such a big thing.

I’m going to remember that roadblocks are inherently limited

No one has told me, “You can’t make this move.” The fact is, it’s simply, not with this money, at this time. All other possibilities are still wide open and waiting for me to walk into them. This speedbump is simply an inconvenience, nothing more. It wants to make me believe that it can stop me, but it can’t. I’m unstoppable.

Out of all the possible ways to fund this, this way was the weakest to begin with and the least likely to produce sustaining income moving forward. To be overly upset about this is not in my best interest, because it will simply hit pause on me attracting the next source into my reality.

I’m going to tear up my pity party invitation.

Sure, I could get down and worried about this, but the fact, is, I’ve got stuff to do. In addition to moving out of a house we’ve lived in for 20 years, my wife is preparing for the biggest trade show of her professional career, and I’m a big part of that preparation. I simply don’t have time to worry about this.

Even five more minutes of anger, or frustration, could sidetrack me for hours or days. You know this is true. So, I’ve expressed my angst and I’m building a bridge to get over it.

I’m looking to the other abundant sources that are already in place.
While, in my mind, I had other labels, for future expenses on several things that are due to me, there is money circling me right now to cover all of this. I just didn’t want to spend it in that way. I thought I knew how this was all going to play out, and I’d found my peace in that, instead of the inexhaustible supply God had prepared for me.

So, I’ve spent some time reaching out to bring that money in faster, and I’m hoping, that will be enough to move things forward. This money will be welcome whenever it comes, in whatever form and I’ve got more than enough to meet all of my family’s needs today, something I couldn’t always say!

One of my daily affirmations is this, “Things are getting better and better, my ebb is so much better than my old flow, it’s amazing!” and this has been true for over a year in my life. When the money gets low, it’s not as low as it has always been in my lean times in the past, and it refills faster, with less effort than before!

I’m saying thank you for the show I’m about to see!

In reality, as I write this, I’m beginning to be excited to see what comes next. After everything else that has worked out over the past month, this is nothing, and the universe’s answers to my prayers have been amazing. I know that the supply is just waiting, right beyond what I can see today and it’s amazing.

Since dedicating myself to moving out of cynicism and seeing the world as it truly is, filled with abundance and brimming with inexhaustible opportunity, amazing things have happened in my life, and we were not brought this far to be abandoned now. This is such an exciting time in my life.

In reality, I can claim almost 0 credit for the past year and a half in my life. It has been a whirl wind of amazing “coincidences” that led me to a place that feels good for the first time in years. Things have gotten continually better and there is more goodness on the horizon than I can possibly take in. This temporary glitch isn’t even a setback, in proper terminology.

I’m moving forward, how about you?


I like your Post, it's a really interesting and important Topic.

I've always believed when one door closes another one opens. Keep the faith my friend.....

Interesante post, muy bonita descripción...

Saludos :)

Excellent post.

Truth never damages a cause that is just.

- Mahatma Gandhi

He was a pretty smart guy.

thanks for sharing! It made my day. I am in a similar sitch