Eye Has Not Seen and Ear Has Not Heard

in #inspiration7 years ago


Weekends are always exciting times for children and adults, teenagers and older persons. This is especially true for people, children and adults, who have to spend majority of their awake time either at their jobs or schools, universities or kindergartens. Even little children often prefer to spend quality time with their parents at home instead of kindergartens and schools or “concentration camps” as referred by @DollarVigilante. But due to busy lives nowadays, there appears to be no choice, but for the parents to send their kids to these concentration camps in order to make a living. And that’s how one day replaces the other.

However, as a small encouragement for today, I would like to remind my beautiful friends and followers, as well as myself, that no matter how busy this life is, no matter how hard it may be, or how difficult it is sometimes for us to find time to spend with our families and loved ones, there will be a better time and better life!

Christians who follow Christ’s steps and do the will of God on this earth have a beautiful hope of a better life once they inherit the Kingdom of God. As it is written “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him.” Bible, 1 Corinthians 2:9-10

Having this beautiful hope in the heart allows us not to be disturbed with the earthly uncertainty and busy lifestyles, but look forward with hope to the beautiful future.


The images used in this post are courtesy of Google.

Thank you for upvoting and following @jstajok.

Keep steeming, keep smiling, be happy!

Much Love!



Yes you are right, life on the other side is more beautiful. When each one of us starts realising that this very moment is inevitable, that time we would try to learn to be happy. Oscillating between past and future ruins our present moment, which is indeed the only chance given by God to us to create our future.

indeed Christ is king over our live , that is what we should trust at all times .what the government does or says should be questioned at all times.

Right on point! Wise words you said, thank you.

hehe... it's just the truth

Vincent B all the way. I followed you and would appreciate a follow back. I'm looking forward to see more posts!

Vincent B all the way. I followed you and would appreciate a follow back. I'm looking forward to see more posts!

Well done, your words are true ,,, thank you for sharing with us @jstajok

Thank you; time is precious and we should spend more of it with our loved ones :)

We have one life that we must use well ^^
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beautiful words, well said

Thank you friend :)

great poste thanks for sharing

You are welcome! Thank you for checking it out :)

Thank you for sharing! :)

The pictures are nice.

What a great reminder of how precious our time really is! We get so busy that we neglect to tend to the things that really matter. I'm reminded of Deuteronomy 11:18-19:

"Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."

Let us not be so busy that we miss the mark and sin against God.

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Words of wisdom. Nice post. Thanks .

Christians who follow Christ’s steps and do the will of God. thanks for sharing @jstajok. God bless you.