Keep planning!!!

in #inspiration7 years ago

An overnight success, get rich quick, instant gratification. We live in an instant era, we want it now, we don't really want to take the seeds, we want the flowers. The truth is the path of persistent pays.

Never give up on what you really know you should do. Failure is waiting on the path of least persistent, the truth is an overnight success takes up to ten years, most people don't realize how close they are to success when they quit. Remember stopping at third base adds no more score than striking out.

when you are persistent, it's proof you have not been holds no. Life holds no greater wealth than that of seadfest commitment. It can not be robbed from you. Only you can lost it by your will.

you have no right to anything you have not pursued, for the proof of desire is in the pursuit.

The secret of success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching, we evaluate people by what they finish, not by what they start. People do not fail, they just toyhyp