Dear Whales: Thank You For Being So Big, So I Can Be Small

in #inspiration7 years ago

Wonder Whale“Wonder Whale,” marker sketch by Cabe Lindsay, 8/11/2017

As we know, whales are excellent communicators. Their example invites us to express ourselves through speaking and singing. They teach us about channeling the inner voice, through deep listening and creative expression. Seeing a whale means it’s time for us to amplify the voice inside and listen more closely. She invites us to express ourselves, enabling us by bringing us deeply in touch with our emotions.

Last week, I explored the ocean and its relation with the depth of our emotions (see The Ocean And Its Meaning As A Dream Symbol). The whale, with all her immensity, carries a similar meaning. When the whale shows up in our dreams, thoughts, and visions, she reminds us to be real with how we feel. She can help us to navigate the deepest, darkest part of who we are.

Sinking In With The Whale

Affirmation: Through the symbol of the whale, I am real with what I feel. I humble myself to the enormity of the world around me. I and all my troubles are small.

Likely, there are colossal emotions buried under the surface of our consciousness. @leandr speaks of our nation's obsession with happiness, and I see this too. I believe this obsession denies reality, and there are consequences of this: numbness, explosive bursts, etc. Only when we willingly face reality will we experience emotional freedom. Emotional freedom means observing the waves and ripples of happiness, sadness, fear, anger… and then rising to the surface, letting go of it all, and taking a new breath.

One more thing. Because the whale’s size is so enormous, she may offer some help to those of us with an over-inflated ego. This shows up as overwhelm, arrogance, over-consumption… And the whale’s enormity is a remedy for this, because she shows us that we and our problems are so small by comparison to something so big. Of course, the ocean further balances the ego, being even bigger, and even more humbling.

“Animal Symbol Dream Interpretation” is an original Steemit series.

My study of dream interpretation is a daily practice of discovery, interpretation, and illustration. I focus on the animals that surround us in Austin, Texas, recognizing their symbolic meaning. Occasionally, I explore some of the more exotic animals, along with plants, and other sacred symbols that appear in dreams. For more information on my work as a dream reader, see my website:

Recent Posts From The Series:

All content is original, written and illustrated by @cabelindsay.


I , for all the animals that surround me, do not dream of them ... I think maybe they are such a kinetic intrincate part of my daily life ... I don't I am fascinated by dreams and their meanings. My dreams are weird.. often I am not even in them. Its like movies with characters and plots with complete strangers. But awake, I appreciate the 'bigness " of the sky and feel exactly like you do about the whale. And visiting Galveston shore this spring, I relate to the symbolism of the ocean. Interesting read!

Thank you. So good of you to reply. I'm the same way - I don't exactly dream of animals either. But sometimes i think of them, or they show up somehow and there's a reason why. That's what inspires me.