Enough Self-Sabotage! From Inner Conflict to Inner Peace, with a Little More Awareness Each Breath

in #inspiration7 years ago

Self-sabotage occurs when there is a temporarily insoluble inner conflict.

A part of you wants something, while another part wants something else.
One side pulls you towards expansion, another one towards contraction.

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These parts take delight in one particular thing – not acknowledging the existence of the other.


They believe that doing so will threaten their inherent validity.

Especially if there is an attached story they adamantly wish to protect - admitting that there are counter-arguments would make it less possible to convince you, the decision-maker, to go in that direction.

Neither side wants to succumb.

They both want to have their own way and that’s it – end of story.

Unfortunately, that’s not possible.

You cannot breathe in and breathe out, both at the same time.

You might have to carefully consider both sides before taking the next step, but that is so difficult sometimes.

The voice of your intuition is being drowned out by the cacophony of conflicting impulses.

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Whenever one part of you is in the lead, the other part impatiently awaits recognition in the shadows.

It goes all the way to even sabotage your efforts at success, in an attempt to bring itself to your awareness.

“Hello, I’m here, you’re neglecting me. I’m part of you, so I need you to see me. Because you don’t, I’m going to make my presence known, one way or another.”

So you end up in this nerve-wrackingly tense situation.

Some of your energy is directed towards a new goal, while the rest of your energy is resisting this new movement.

Your being is torn between wanting to grow and wanting to protect itself.

And you, the decision-maker, are stuck in this limbo, wondering why it’s so hard to move forward.


Well, have you taken the time to look, really look behind the curtains of this surface drama?

Well, I’ve been in this situation for quite some time now.

A part of me wanted to write so much (A), while another part was preventing me from actually doing it (B).

A originates in the depths of my soul’s calling. B is born as a protective mechanism against the pain inflicted on me during my developmental years.

A is creative, expansive, playful and spontaneous. B is rebellious, fearful and addicted to drama.

A entices me to explore new realms of my imagination, discover new pathways for expression. B keeps me stuck in a boring rut of smallness, laziness and complacency.

A is my angel, B is my demon.

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Now, I cannot fully birth A into being without bringing B to the light of my awareness.

Every time A gives me an impulse, B carefully whispers in my ear all the reasons and excuses not to follow A’s guidance.

Whenever I do act according to A’s directive, I’m shimmering with golden rays of pleasure. I feel like I’m fulfilling some sort of sacred mission. I feel on top of the world.

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Whenever I act upon B’s censorship, I enter a vicious cycle of guilt, self-criticism and dissatisfaction. Even though B sounded so convincing at first, it never delivers on its promises to make me feel good.

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And, finally, I discovered why!

It’s because I don’t need protection anymore! B was only trying to protect me from the reprimanding ghosts of the past, stuck in the same seductive but long expired loop.

B, wake up!!!

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Those stories are of the past! There is no one to criticize you anymore, no one to tell you how to do it better! There is nobody that controls you into doing the things you don’t want to do. You are completely free now!

You are a child of the present now. You possess magnificent tools, talents and skills which have been waiting for so long to be put to use.

It’s up to you to give shape to the voice of your highest calling and experience the ecstatic revelation of your soul’s purpose manifested on Earth.

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Otherwise, you can just feed the voice of your limitations, with a predictable destination – dark, desolate meaninglessness.

You are in control now, you, the observer of your thoughts.

The one that holds both A and B, caressing them with compassion. The one who has carefully studied them both and gained a deep understanding of the consequences of acting on either one of them. The one with the free will to decide which side to consciously pursue.

But this cannot be done until you take time out of your habitual framework to really think things through.

You are so used to acting in certain ways, so deeply entrenched in your behavioural patterns, swirling around in the same mindless frenzy, never making a change but complaining that things are not working the way they should.

To make a conscious choice, a choice that truly honours who and what you wish to become, you have to step back and study yourself.

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You have to become creative with yourself, to constantly question the whys behind every action and reaction, to challenge yourself out of your uncomfortable safety.

You have to realize that you are not your actions. You are not your feelings. You are not your thoughts. They all come and go. You are the one that stays.

You are beyond definition, and you can act from that space, but only if you take time to get acquainted with, nourish and nurture it.

If this is a space you haven’t known before, I will tell you that it is always there, waiting for you to explore it.

Meditation helps a lot.

Contemplating, daydreaming, dancing, music, writing, painting, walking in nature… practically any activity that engages your right, creative brain more than your left, logical brain.

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That is a space where miracles happen. And it’s a space that misses you very much, the way a home misses its rightful owner.

Find your way back home, where you belong. You are a child of the infinite...

Why limit yourself to choices that do not reflect your true nature, to choices that stifle your spirit and only lead to suffering?

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You have the power to convert your self-sabotage into self-creation. You have the ability to transmute your resistance into drive. You have the potential to turn your inner conflict into inner cooperation.

With a little more awareness, one breath at a time.

Take it easy. Be gentle, but firm.

And most importantly, believe in yourself.

You are here for a reason. There is no one else to fulfil your destiny, no one else to tell your own personal legend.

This piece was written just before publishing my introduce yourself post. Before publishing, I had to overcome a good number of psychological obstacles described in this article. My introduction turned out to have an unexpectedly high engagement - $80 and more than 100 comments! I was simply blown away by the amount of positive energy and encouragement I received. Thank you, everyone, for being so welcoming. And thank you, me, for showing up and working through the difficulties - the results are so worth it.

I made a commitment to myself to only post high-quality articles. If you have any ideas for improvement, don't hesitate to share them with me. I'm here to learn and grow.

If you resonated with these ideas, I would love to hear your perspective on the subject!

How do you overcome your inner blocks?

What aspects of your life is your inner conflict revolving around and what steps are you actively taking to resolve it?

Upvotes, resteems and follows would be very helpful for a newbie like me hehe :)

(P.S. That's me... I love flowers so much!)

Be you, be wild, be free!



@bristena94 Upvoted and resteemed. Really high-quality content; universally relevant. I like the A - B dichotomy. All too true. Personally, I ''get over'' B by engaging in what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi termed FLOW activities, such as the ones you mentioned in your post. In this way, Mr A gently emerges and takes the front seat, as it were. It's not about actively fighting against B, but softly focusing with a ​sustained intent ​on what A wants. It's a transactional creative process with the soul: you nourish the soul, and the soul nourishes you until you return to the shining oneness with it all...

thank you so much @thegingerguide, I love the word FLOW, it can turn into a FLOWer if you water and nourish it with sunshine :) yes it's not about fighting at all, fighting B only strengthens it, I love your phrase "sustained intent". I love the way you express yourself, I feel the soft yet firm energy behind your words, let's connect more!

I am blown away by how quickly you have mastered steemit and found your voice here. This is just your second post right?

Beautiful words, thoughts, pictures & energy.

Thank you 🌄

thank you @samstonehill, yes, this is my second post! I hope to truly give my best because I've learnt that the more I give, the more I receive.. although it can get a bit overwhelming browsing through so many articles of so many people.. I need to find my own rhythm :)

wow, this is an absolutely stunning post! Its not often I come across such connected and wise words. Thank you So much for writing and sharing this, because I have also been going through these kinds of issues and for a long time, and am really struggling with it

What you say is just SPOT on in every way. I will print this out so I can remind myself of the many pearls you have left us here. .. resteemed!


Thank you so much @eco-alex, I'm so glad this post has been inspirational for you. I would love to get involved in the ecotrain, would that be possible? I sent an email out but nobody replied as yet :)

Welcome to the platform! Wow, you enter with a lot of energy and excitement, great :). Love the topic. Inner conflict can cause us to drain all our energy and get nothing out of it. If we're moving in multiple directions at the same time, then the only thing which happens is we stagnate. For me, the best practice to overcome inner conflict is integrity - keeping the words you promise to yourself and to others. Even going back to situations of the past where I'd promised something and didn't keep my word. It's a technique I learned in India, while living in an ashram with an enlightened master. And however simple the technique may seem, it has made such a difference for resolving inner conflict :).

Anyways, happy to have you on Steemit, I think we have a lot of overlapping interests. Wishing you the best of luck here and giving you a follow!

Thank you so much for your lovely and thoughtful comment, really appreciate it!
Yes yes yes!

INTEGRITY is big on my priority list right now as well! It is life-changing indeed. Thanks for bringing it up, I feel like you mentioning it is a confirmation sent from the universe that I should persevere with it!

I am checking you out as well, I'm happy to connect with like-minded and like-hearted people here. Much love! x

A very beautiful and motivational article. Keep up the good work!

thank you @andresolerc, glad you enjoyed it!

♥♥very well your inspiration,psychology spirituality,success and lifestyle♥♥

Self-sabotage - here we talk about situations in which people sabotage their chances of success, by behavior that reduces the chances of success, the goal is usually to protect self-image from failure

yes, that's one way in which self-sabotage happens indeed. it is Marianne Williamson who said that actually our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure :)

We really know how to hurt ourselves :)

yes, and we also know very well how to reverse that hurt and transform it into healing.. nature is our greatest teacher and love is the healer, my friend

Beautiful post.
Thank you for bringing awareness and inspiration to steemit.

Resteemed & Followed


@livinadream, thank you so much! I'm checking you out as well x

Hi again, thanks for linking me to here! It was a pleasure to read :D I'm glad to see your meditation suggestion as I'm very into my meditation =]

thanks for reading! yes, meditating is amazing! hehe, I just finished posting another article, exactly on this topic.. what a lovely "coincidence"


Haha awesome! I'm currently living in China and it's pretty late here so I'm just about to sleep but I'll definitely check it out tomorrow! :D Goodnight and thanks! I will comment on the meditation post after I read it tomorrow =]

Wow, China! What are you doing there? Thanks for checking it, take your time, no worries!

I've been teaching English and guitar to kids for the past four years :D I'm from England though, where are you from? I'm going to go read your post about meditation now! =]

Oh, I see! I'm from Romania but living in England, haha! I can also play a little bit the guitar.. :)

Oh cool! I'm from a town called Hexham (I don't know if you know it :P) It's near Newcastle in the North East :D

Nice post! I really like your content!

thank you! :)

Hi! I really like the way you can express yourself, it´s so good to read! So, about the subject, I have been self-sabotaging me for a long time in my life, but for a diferent reason. Everytime something start to work out for me I would drop off it. Maybe I would lose interest, maybe I would just think it was enough. But than latter I realised that it was the fact that i didn´t think I deserved to be happy. So everytime i was happy about something, I would sabotage that. It took me a long time to undestand my true value, to love me and forgive me for who I am, that i can be as happy as anyone, because I´m like everyone! Not more or less. And that feeling was so liberating!
Thx again for your post, it´s good to meditate on this aspects, and it´s good to reevaluate this feeling. You brought me good memories. Sorry for the bad english, keep on shining the world! Cheers!

Hi! Thanks for your contribution. I congratulate you for the awareness you gained upon the same repeated pattern that I can imagine brought some distress and frustration. I'm always happy to see people embarking on a self-love and self-acceptance journey. It is life-changing on so many levels. Your English is pretty good, don't worry. Keep up the good work! And I would love to hear your thoughts about my next articles. Stay tuned! Lots of love