
The problem I have with the "law of attraction" (aka The Secret, if you remember that book) - I mean, aside from the obvious total lack of any known physical mechanism by which it would work - is that it essentially states that if you don't have what you want or need, it's your fault for not wanting it hard enough.

So.. a kid dying of malnutrition in a third world country - can they have everything they want too if they just wish harder? What about someone watching their wife die of lukemia? Is it their fault for not really wanting them to be better harder? What about everybody who died in Nazi concentration camps in WW2 - did they just not want freedom enough?

There's nothing wrong with the idea of aiming high, and challenging yourself to get what you want out of life, but to say that all you have to do is want it hard enough and it will happen is not only nonsense, it's a cruel victim-blaming worldview.

Yeah I get you and I do believe The Secret is another scam to be honest. I believe my approach should be called the law of action. You can want something your whole life but until you show that you want it you will have nothing. Its for people who can change their life and have opportunities to do so. There are peoople in the world who are less fortunate who have diseases, will be murdered, or put in jail but what about the other everyday people who just watch tv instead of studying or practicing. Thats who I'm talking to.