US hospitals may run short on ventilators in coronavirus pandemic - Business Insider: Aylin Woodward
The US has about 170,000 ventilators, which could help keep very sick coronavirus patients alive. That may not be enough.
Democrats to vote on coronavirus-response bill, Pelosi says - Business Insider: Gina Heeb
The pandemic has increasingly shuttered businesses across the nation and encouraged consumers to stay home.
Wealthy Americans are paying for in-home coronavirus tests - Business Insider: Taylor Nicole Rogers
One doctor told Business Insider her $1,500 house call fee would include a test for coronavirus — which actually may be less than you'd pay at the ER.
Bill Gates steps down from Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway boards - Business Insider: Bani Sapra
Bill Gates will no longer serve as a director at Microsoft, the company he cofounded and led — but he'll continue advising current CEO Satya Nadella.
Trump asks Walmart, CVS, Target, Walgreens to help fight coronavirus - Business Insider: Bryan Pietsch
At a press conference at the White House, Trump was joined by business leaders from Walgreens, Target, Walmart, CVS, and other companies.

Dow surges 1,985 points as Trump's coronavirus address eases concerns of economic damage: Ben Winck
Dow surges 1,985 points as Trump's coronavirus address eases concerns of economic damage
COVID-19 patient Carl Goldman has been in quarantine for over a month - Insider: Haven Orecchio-Egresitz
Carl Goldman is one of the 700 people who contracted the coronavirus aboard the Diamond Princess. He told Insider what his life has been like.
Trump: 'I don't take responsibility' for delay of coronavirus tests - Business Insider: Grace Panetta
"I don't take responsibility at all because....we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time," Trump said.
Health executive turns down Trump's handshake, offers him elbow bump - Business Insider: Eliza Relman
Trump has refused to stop shaking hands with people, violating health officials' recommendations to limit person-to-person contact.
President Trump couldn't stop shaking hands during coronavirus address - Business Insider: Jake Lahut
Until he finally got offered an elbow bump, President Trump kept shaking the hands of CEOs despite a CDC advisory and his own exposure to coronavirus.
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