It's important to remember that all-or-nothing (black-or-white) thinking is also incorrect. Rationalism is the correct default way to make many decisions. I don't believe anyone ever has, or ever will, present any evidence that counters that fact.
However, our personal human lives should be exercises in maximizing our life happiness, while not detracting from that of others. Rationalism isn't the only, or even primary factor, when deciding what song you like, or what food you like, or what hobby you'd like. These are the decisions that truly matter on an individual level, but they aren't acceptable means of reasoning on a societal level.
LIve subjectively, dream objectively. We are subject to our experience and thus discover the ideal objective circumstance and can act faithfully in the present to balance our lives. I liken understanding this as putting the horse before the cart so that our minds direct our emotions instead of putting the cart before horse and live blind to the road ahead.
It all begins for me anyway when I began practising an old african saying. "Man know thyself" Author unknown. It is all about balance between what is (subjectivity) and what is ideal (objectively). What matters isn't what you have, but who you are. Knowing who you are for me leads into who I want to be. Discover who subjectively you are means you can now become the ideal you which is the objective you. Not speaking about others but my own experience. ALOHA!!!