Happy to see Hive Fest Going Strong, Hopefully be there next year!

in #inleo3 days ago

I've enjoyed checking in with the Hive Fest LiveStreams and posts this year, but unfortunately couldn't be there in person due to life circumstances.....

New job, fam commitments meant I just couldn't attend!

Actually life, or rather happy to say LIFE is pretty rammed ATM.

But it's good see the usual format going strong - two days of talks and then what seems to have been more focus on the social side of things, including the obligatory but always awesome boat trip, but just taken to more of an extreme this time!

I had a great time in Amsterdam two years ago, Mexico last year was too far, but this year Croatia was a possible, but LIFE had to come first.

But I do wish I could have been there, it's a bit same old same old, but I quite like that, a constant, and Hive is a constant and I would urge anyone that's reticent about going to just GO!

They can be hard work, mnentally, you're generally interacting above the usual level intellect you get in daily life, but that's part of the fun, and a RARE thing!

I fully intend to be at the next one if I'm in the local!

Now it just feels like it's just been far too long!

But thanks all for the feeds, good to see some old faces and new faces doing the do!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Can totally relate to your words. Maybe next year! ;)

you're generally interacting above the usual level intellect you get in daily life, I think if I were to attend hivefest, I would return to have a full week sleep to digest the tech inpour, lols. It's a good place to be. Hoping I someday be a participant.