X Curation report - Week 03 , 2025

in #inleo2 months ago

X Curation report - Week 03, 2025

Hello Lions! As you know, we are focusing a lot of resources into making our curation a vital part of InLeo's growth with a long term mindset, and to do so we want to encourage you to leverage your presence in web2 social media platforms, and help us spread InLeo far and wide.

The most important platform we can leverage to achieve this goal, is X.

Transparency is vital for Leo, so this is our process for curating X outreach efforts:

1- We filter tweets that use the hashtags #inleo #hive

2- We filter only tweets in English and Spanish

3- Then, the tweets must follow an outreach format that fits the Twitter algorithm so it gets pushed to other users.

  • First Tweet: Talk about your post. No links here. Add the image thumbnail of your article. Use only two hashtags relevant to your content (not #hive or #inleo). Use 1/🧵 or "Here's a Thread about XXX (Topic).
  • Second Tweet: Text Only. Add another image from your post. No Links in here.
  • Third Tweet: Close the sale. Use the hashtags #inleo, #hive. Add the link to your Leo post.

4- If the tweet covers all parameters above, we open the inleo.io and continue to #5. I it doesn't, we jump to #9.

5- We assess the quality of the article: Length, topic, grammar and spelling, sources if needed, and correct use of images. Only posts made from the InLeo front-end

6- If the article passes the quality assessment, we drop the post link in the X curation channel on the InLeo discord server.

7- Then, another curator explores all the links dropped this way and reassesses the post and curates accordingly.

8- If the Tweet covers all outreach parameters but the Leo post doesn't cover all quality parameters, we leave a comment on the article with a small guide on how to create amazing posts that are curation-worthy.

9- If the Tweet doesn't cover all parameters, we leave a reply to the Tweet with a simple guide on how to properly create a good Twitter thread that the algorithm likes.

10- The Tweet has to reach at least 50 impressions on the first 20 hours of published for the curation to proceed

11- Post in all communities are welcome, not just Leo Finance, but it has to be from the InLeo front end

Why do we take the time to do this?

We want to encourage Leo and Hive users to start reaching out to the masses in web2 platforms and doing so in a correct way, thus increase Hive's and Leo's visibility, boosting adoption for our blockchain.

In the meantime, here is Leo's X curation report, week 03, 2025.


@actioncatsTweetMowgli Legend Of The Jungle Review 6Nv?Referral=Actioncatsvikvitnik
@melbourneswestTweetFacebook Monetization Hive Needs To Change To Survive 7Cvvikvitnik
@vickolyTweetOne Car Per Family A Step Towards Sustainability Or An Inconvenience 6Lzvikvitnik
@neruelTweetLessons Of Power Machiavelli And The Game Of Control Review Enes C2Yvikvitnik
@fermionicoTweetHof El Caso Hernndez Espeng Opinion Fgevikvitnik
@sperosamuel15TweetThe Onecar Proposal Saving The Planet Or Straining Families 2Yi?Referral=Sperosamuel15vikvitnik
@epirela22TweetEspeng Absoluto Dominio Opinin 3Ks?Referral=Epirela22vikvitnik
@kingsleyyTweetMaintaining Financial Stability Is Simple Yet Difficult Jnh?Referral=Kingsleyyvikvitnik
@nkemakonam89TweetBreaking Free From Sedentary Habits My Journey To A Healthier Work Routine Loh 220 Cmdvikvitnik
@javyeslava.photoTweetEspeng Venom The Last Dance Movie Review 2Xpvikvitnik
@idksamad78699TweetOne Car Too Many Tasks The Struggle Of Daily Life Without Mobility Egmthetimetravelerz
@merit.ahamaTweetDiagnosing The System Healthcare Service Palava Afxvikvitnik
@mikechristTweetThe Food I Crave Kee?Referral=Mikechristvikvitnik
@bruno-kemaTweetNeighbours Palava 9Mp?Referral=Bruno Kemavikvitnik
@zonadigital21TweetEngesp Buying New Nfts For My Collection In Splinterlands 4S9vikvitnik
@idksamad78699TweetThe Songs I Cant Stop Listening To My Favourite Soundtracks In 2025 K53vikvitnik
@merit.ahamaTweetSeal The Deal Crafting A Compelling Sales Pitch As An Entrepreneur Pt 2 Engesp Ac7vikvitnik
@idksamad78699TweetTrump Inauguration Etfs Crypto State Reserves Which Coins Will Dominate Most In 2025 Crjvikvitnik
@javyeslava.photoTweetEspeng Alien Romulus Space And Its Dangers Movie Review Cncvikvitnik
@abdul-qudusTweetGame Betting A Life Changer B4E?Referral=Abdul Qudusvikvitnik
@actioncatsTweetAn Inspiring Film The Shawshank Redemption 2T4?Referral=Actioncatsvikvitnik
@marsdaveTweetTattoos That Talk Choosing My Forever Tattoo Partner J1Qvikvitnik
@merit.ahamaTweetRise Of The Machines Navigating Ais Impact On Employment Gvwvikvitnik
@coolguy123TweetSplinterlands Social Media Challenge A Battle Of Green Monsters Against The Blue Ones Jrdvikvitnik
@neruelTweetOfficer Black Belt The Danger Is The Rapist Film Review Enes Ke6vikvitnik


To the Lions below, we recommend you to check out this post, and pay attention to the advice of our curators to increase your chances of receiving curation from @leo.voter!

We want to thank all these authors for helping Leo and Hive achieve mass adoption by reaching out to web2 users! See you next Sunday!

All rewards generated from this post will be used to reward our Twitter curators ( @thetimetravelerz, @vikvitnik) and the payout of this post is set to 100% Hive Power as proof of our long term mindset, so spare a vote to help us support our curation program!

Posted Using INLEO


Primero quiero felicitar la transparencia con la que han redactado este post agradezco muchísimo todo lo que nos han dado como sugerencia y recomendaciones porque es una guía paso a paso para dar a conocer correctamente Hive como bien dicen ustedes aumentando nuestra visibilidad e impulsando la adopción a nuestra blockchain. Segundo quiero felicitar a los curadores por el trabajo tan impecable que están haciendo tan minucioso y detallado con ese ojo profundo para curar los contenidos, sinceramente gracias por su trabajo por su dedicación por su tiempo por su esfuerzo y por sus recomendaciones que nos ayudan a crecer. Me siento profundamente honrada por ser parte de este informe de curación de la semana 03/ 2025 y recibir la orientación necesaria para crecer dentro de este maravilloso ecosistema agradecida profundamente a @vikvitnik y a @fermionico por toda la orientación dada y sobre todo por su entrega a este ecosistema sigamos trabajando por hacer de él un espacio de expansión y de crecimiento para todos.

First I want to congratulate the transparency with which you have written this post I really appreciate everything you have given us as suggestions and recommendations because it is a step by step guide to properly publicize Hive as you say increasing our visibility and boosting the adoption of our blockchain. Second I want to congratulate the curators for the impeccable work they are doing so thorough and detailed with that deep eye for curating content, sincerely thank you for your work for your dedication for your time for your effort and for your recommendations that help us grow. I feel deeply honored to be part of this curation report of the week 03/ 2025 and receive the necessary guidance to grow within this wonderful ecosystem deeply grateful to @vikvitnik for all the guidance given and especially for his commitment to this ecosystem let's keep working to make it a space of expansion and growth for all.

Thank you very much as always for your support!

Greetings to everyone and to the Inleo Team!

Many thanks for the support @vikvitnik and @leo-curation