Organic Curation report - Week , 51

in #inleo3 months ago

Hello Lions! As you know, we are focusing a lot of resources into making our curation a vital part of InLeo's growth with a long term mindset, and to do so we want to encourage Lions to compose top notch publications on InLeo and reward quality in our platform.

Long Form posting is part of the core of InLeo which is why we've decentralized curation to a point where we have ten different Lion curators finding amazing articles on on a daily basis.

Quality is subjective, but we've come up with a series of metrics or parameters to increase the chances of one of your posts getting picked by one of our curators

Transparency is vital for Leo, so this is our process for Organic curation:

1- Our curators will browse InLeo and find amazing pieces.

2- The curator drops the link to the post in the Organic curation channel on the InLeo discord server.

3- Another curator will assess the post vs our curation metrics in the post linked above and will determine the % of the vote based on this.

Manual curation

We want to give everyone publishing on InLeo a fair chance of getting curated, so as long as a Lion creates amazing content on a regular basis, odds are one of our curators will eventually find one of these top quality articles.

Here is Leo's Organic curation report, Week 51, 2024.


@nathy33Saying Goodbye Is The Only Option Engesp 8Vcprincessbusayo
@gentleshaidLpud My First Time Of Participating Duxalokkumar121
@jfang003Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge Theme Explore And Expand Splinterlands Lore Katrelba Gobson Ep6alokkumar121
@glorydeeDesigning My Sisters Bridal Outfit Eljprincessbusayo
@newbreedYou Are Responsible For The Outcome Of Your Life Jkruyobong
@hiventhusiastNewbies Exclusive Guide To Creating Topnotch Content On Hive F7Xuyobong
@brando28Hyperliquid Will Rule Dwfthetimetravelerz
@jhymiAmber A Scintillating Fantasy C4Cvikvitnik
@beckyroyalProvokedmovie Preview 99Aolujay
@shalewaaNo Much Difference Afterall Ktjolujay
@soyunasantacruzCompartir De Navidad Entre Agujas Hilos Y Crochet Christmas Sharing Between Needles Yarn And Crochet 7Nrvikvitnik
@davidpena21Cross Serie Review Engesp Jsjvikvitnik
@corneliushymMeet Corneliushym A New Beginning On Hive Bbpolujay
@nkemakonam89My Experience With Large And Small Family Dynamics Ke9princessbusayo
@bipolar95Freedom Is A Choice C19princessbusayo
@abenadCrypto Boy Indeed 9Jgolujay
@esperanzalandiaFeria Emprendedora En San Miguel Ubicada En Buenos Aires Argentina Una Invitacin A Apoyar El Talento Local Entrepreneurial Fair In San Miguel Located In Buenos Aires Argentina An Invitation To Support Local Talent Espeng 9B9vikvitnik
@beysydReview Of The Movie White Bird Engesp 7X1vikvitnik
@family-friendsEnes Family Christmas 2024 Initiative 5Rdjoheredia21
@iniblessValue Adding Lifestyle Giving Back To The Societyestilo De Vida Con Valor Aadido Retribuir A La Sociedad Engesp 8Rkuyobong
@yefaoMy Introductory Post Hmsuyobong
@bruno-kemaOwerri To Ikeja Hamprincessbusayo
@lizizooA Stage For Scandal A Book Review Jkxprincessbusayo
@gadrianLearning Another Foreign Language Ghbalokkumar121
@storygoddessWhats The Worst That Can Happen Bbqalokkumar121
@gwajnbergSome Thoughts About The Universal Cancer Vaccine Promise And About Cancer Treatment Lnm?Referral=Gwajnbergolujay
@abu78Wilderness To World Stage Unpacking Hannas Explosive First Season Aly?Referral=Abu78olujay
@mclarenf11Esen Mejor La Pc De Mi Madre Para Trabajar Aajoheredia21
@shawnnftEating Out Murni Discovery 4Vgvikvitnik
@jemima1996Kitchen Cabinet Repair With Readily Available Materials Espeng 8Xevikvitnik
@davidpena21Birthday Of My Dear Father Engesp F2J?Referral=Davidpena21joheredia21
@go-kyoHoegaarden Apple Ebisu Kogarekou Hxgprincessbusayo
@kc6729Ideas Kefprincessbusayo
@storygoddessThe Last Minute Save 382?Referral=Storygoddessolujay
@psalmmy264Just Like Toddlers They Need Utmost Care Love And Attention Gac?Referral=Psalmmy264olujay
@libertycrypto2719 Days Of Using Xbot In The Wild Format Results Considerations And My Next Steps Engita Dgialokkumar121
@rentmoneyHive Token 025 Opportunity Knocking Or A Fools Errand H1Falokkumar121
@flourishandfloraVacation The Pursuit Of A Well Deserved Escape 9Galokkumar121
@walterjayResizing Inleo Delegation Increase Hive Power Earnings And Tracking Progress Grealokkumar121
@ayowinnerMy Stressfree Kitchen Skills Actprincessbusayo
@ainajaneLoh 216 My Makebelieve Talent 3Utprincessbusayo
@glorydeeStunning Minidress For Joy Fajthetimetravelerz
@toryfestusIt Ends With You Amh?Referral=Toryfestusolujay
@gloriousbeeMaking Christmas Unforgettable A Season Of Love And Growth Dekprincessbusayo
@sperosamuel15Life On The Frontlines The Hidden Challenges Of Medical Practice C5Yprincessbusayo
@dewabrataTrying Olivia Of The Brook For The First Time Dhcalokkumar121
@ernesto6402My Best Stage Moment Dcd?Section=Commentalokkumar121
@valenpbaEspeng Deliciosas Galletas Navideas Delicious Christmas Cookies 7Kzvikvitnik
@bipolar95What I Do Loh 216 3Fnolujay
@psalmmy264Just One More Thing To Do Jd2olujay
@phynaRediscovering Life Beyond The Screen Kdoolujay
@damarysvibraUna Mirada A Mi Emprendimientoa Look At My Venture Jvrvikvitnik

If you are creating amazing content and haven't been curated in a while, don't worry, keep composing great articles and one of our curators will surely find you!

All rewards generated from this post will be used to reward our curators
@thetimetravelerz, @vikvitnik, @joheredia21, @olujay, @idiosyncratic1, @alokkumar121, @Uyobong, @princessbusayo The payout of this post is set to 100% Hive Power as proof of our long term mindset, so spare a vote to help us support our curation program!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank you very much for your support, it is always a pleasure to be here and sharing in inleo.

Thank you very much for your support and the mention

Thank you for your constant support.. I really appreciate them so much and may God continue to strengthen all hands on deck ensuring the community keeps running smoothly

Thank you for the constant support, I appreciate it all🙏😊

Thank you guys great work!

Thankyou for the love and support,

Me hace inmensamente feliz contar con su apoyo. Me gusta creer que al pensar en lo que voy a publicar y tomarme el tiempo de hacerlo con amor y con las herramientas que tengo para intentar que sea interesante, estoy honrando el tiempo de quienes se detienen a leerlo o verlo y que este tiempo que emplean en mí, realmente les deje algo significativo.

Así que estar en esta lista, con gente tan talentosa y con tanta experiencia es realmente un honor y un compromiso a seguir haciendo publicación con el corazón.

@vikvitnik solo palabras de gratitud. De todo corazón deseo que todos podamos seguir creciendo y alcanzando los objetivos que nos vamos planteando dentro de este increíble ecosistema. ☺️

It makes me immensely happy to have your support. I like to believe that by thinking about what I am going to publish and taking the time to do it with love and with the tools I have to try to make it interesting, I am honoring the time of those who stop to read it or see it and that this time they spend with me really leaves them something meaningful.

So to be on this list, with such talented and experienced people is truly an honor and a commitment to keep publishing from the heart.

@vikvitnik only words of gratitude. From the bottom of my heart I wish we can all continue to grow and achieve the goals we set for ourselves in this incredible ecosystem. ☺️

I'm grateful for the support.

Thank you for the curation and support.

Thank you for the support 😊