in #inleo11 months ago
I have written couple of post about me and my Dad and that's because I grew up with him,he is my Dad and my Mom at the same time not that I don't have a mother but I didn't grow up with her so I don't really understand what motherly love really feels or taste like..lol…

Well this brings me to the weekend I will never forget, I will share with you guys why I it's so special to me, so just relax and flow with me..😜

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My Dad is hardly at home as he often goes to work early and come back very late at night. This keeps me home all by myself.
Mostly I do invite my friends to our house to come keep me company,we will play eat and have fun till in the evening when everyone will have to retire back to there houses, one faithful day as usual my friends came over so we decided to fight wrestling in the living room, it was going well and we were all having fun not until the devil decided to use my friend Moses to put me in trouble, Moses was short as at then I don't really know about now cus it's been long I last saw him. While we were fighting Moses short legs mysterious became long and went to smash our DVD player and it broke, immediately my eyes cleared, and I was covered in fear as I knew my Dad will kill me, we stopped playing and started looking for ways to fix it we bought glue and glued the part we could but I was not satisfied because I knew my Dad will definitely or will I say surely find out about it, I dismissed my friends and sat inside alone looking at the DVD players for hours before I stood up and started doing chores no one sent me, just so my Dad will be a bit pleased with me, interestingly it worked that day till the weekend.

Image by jcomp on Freepik

It was Friday evening when my cousin asked me to come spend the weekend at his house I was happy because I know even if my Dad find out about the DVD player the anger in him would have gone down by the time I return, I spent the weekend happily as my cousin took me to places in the barracks where he works and lived, the weekend quickly came to an end and it was time to go home I was as scared as hell not knowing what to expect when I get home.
Luckily for me when I got home my Dad didn't mention the DVD player to me. Instead he took me out, bought me ice cream and later that evening he took me to get pepper soup and we talked about my weekend at my cousin's place and that's how I escaped that day.
But the shocking thing happened the next morning while he was about going to work he then asked me,” ehnnnn ehnn keecee what happened to the DVD” immediately I froze I didn't know what to answer, but out of nowhere a supper lie came out of my mouth, I told him the DVD fell from my hand while I was cleaning the house and I was scared he will beat me that's why I glued it and didn't tell him, I was expecting a hot slap or shout but he only told me to be careful not to break something else and that make me thank my cousin in my heart for saving me during the weekend, if not hand for touch me… lol 😂.

Since then when I remember that event I know God is a merciful God and also a God of favors.

Well before I forget after that when my friends come around we do play outside not inside the house. I learnt my lesson after that weekend and I thank God I didn't learn it the hard way.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha