A different post than the usual ones as i am quite curious as a person. Haters gonna hate as the youngsters say but i would like to know what are your plans for Christmas and in general for this period. Ofc i will also share about my plans and hopefully, i will get some useful tips from you as well, it will be much appreciated.
So in general the day of Christmas as well as of New Year's Eve i always spend it with my family. We don't do anything special to be honest, during Christmas my uncle has his name day so we all get together and eat. During New Year's Even we again eat and exchange presents.
Even though as i said that's not something special for me it's a unique thing. It's really nice have some cool moments that after some years become a tradition with your family. Even though it's not something fancy as i said, it's always nice to know that this time of year we will celebrate and exchange presents. As you already know you don't know what will happen the next day, thus it is important to build some memories with your loved ones.

Now besides the above i will also visit Slovenia for 4 days. I prefer to visit a country for at least 6-7 days but due to work i couldn't take more days. I have never been to Slovenia before, i don't think that December is the best date, to be honest to visit the country but that's what i can. I will say one day to Lake Bled and then to the capital.
Thus, if anyone has visited Slovenia, especially during this time of the year and has some tips or places to recommend i would highly appreciate it! Also, i would like to hear about your plans for December and more specifically for the whole Christmas period!
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