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RE: Gothic Styled Stacking: Monarch's 2018 & 2022 Limited Edition Halloween Silver bars

in #inleo5 months ago

Would I be arrested in Japan for open carry a 40 inch Ninjatu? 40 inch Katana? 30 inch Wakazashi? I would get stopped and questioned for carrying a possible weapon wrapped in a silk cozy onto a bus.

Unfortunately. They are incredibly strict here. Various sharpened swords are allowed in certain cases (pretty much only for martial arts or swordsmiths) but you have to be licensed and have to have it renewed yearly. Tons of red tape. For everyone else, nope, not allowed.


A bloody license.
This could keep me from acquiring an accreditation with my solo study of Katori Shinto Ryu.
I can imagine that even an expert Sushi chef must annually register his kitchen knives.