It's day 9 yo awesome pips! 22 days left to nail for Inktober. The prompts seem to be getting more interesting each day. I'm still 4 days late though, but i'm 101% confident that I could complete this year's inktober. (hopefully)

Day 9 prompt:
Well, the word is just so common that I encounter almost everyday.
"Ken throw the garbages"
"Ken throw these pieces of trash"
"Ken throw this box"
"Ken throw this and that..."
Or is it just me? Shoot.
According to Google:
"is to propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand."

Play fetch with your pet dog is cute and fun. That's what we always see in the mainstream. But have you ever seen a cat that plays fetch?
I don't know if it's just me but I haven't seen a cat that plays fetch ever in my life. It's pretty uncommon isn't it? Imagine how cool it would be! Unlike dogs that play fetch joyfully with such happy faces. Whenever you throw the toy or something and cats be like jumping for it with their damn serious faces that just looks like they're going for a kill. It would be like a ninja training. But cats always got their lazy asses on the floor so... lol they're still cuties!
"Odd Play Fetch"
Anyway, so here's my entry for Inktober 2020 Day 8!

Anyway, that's all for now. Thank you for spending your precious time!
Have a nice day with a lot of money! Haha