Day 3 of Inktober 2020 is now up on the list. It isn't too late yet right? Unfortunately, I wasn't able to post exactly on the 3rd of October because I got some other things to do but I will try my very best to make it through up until the last day.

Anyway, my reference for this entry is my cat Haru. She's one of my 5 cats (including my 2 new adopted kittens). Well, she's got that somehow bitchy attitude towards her siblings even though she's not 100% matured yet. Sometimes even act like a boss and get all the treats. On the otherhand, she's very gentle to me and she really likes to be petted.
Day 3 prompt:
According to google:
taking up much space, typically inconveniently; large and unwieldy.
Or simply being heavily built.
So my concept is deriving her personality to/as something tangible. Which I thought very bulky.
Anyway, so here's my entry for Inktober 2020 Day 3!


That's all for now! Thanks for spending your time and stay tuned for my upcoming entries!!
Peace out!
hahaha cute and strong cat, i love it :D
I chose 2 rhinos for the theme of day 4