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RE: Responding to Injustice: Punish Wrongdoers vs. Support Victims

in #injustice7 years ago

Is punishing a wrongdoer more rewarding than helping a victim?
Apparently so.
I only have qualms about how the nature of punishments vary indicating that no one judging to punish is completely objective and continuously influenced by their environment.


It's objective in that they see the Partner having their chips Taken by the taker. That objectively happened. So someone initiated an aggression against another. Hence, the desire to punish the aggressor who is the wrongdoer.

True. What I was inferring to is the kind of detachment from oneself (which is composed of opinions, feelings, biases, food that we had that morning, Oxytocin, etc) which can only be expected from a computer; when we are expected to judge. We seep into our objectivity and "objective human" is an oxymoron and by extension "judicial objectivity". Doesn't that mean the same judge will be lenient to some and strict to other? Doesn't that mean a number of judges will have a spectrum of verdict for same offense?