Ever since Q appeared, Alex Jones has been bringing on "Zach". He always prefaces the beginning of Zach's reports with saying what a great intelligence asset Zach is but he won't give us his name. Then, Zach comes on and starts fear-mongering, talking about nonsense, and wrapping up with how he is in some exotic location doing intelligence work. It is kind of bogus.
Most of infowars has turned into fear-mongering without substance. Lately, Alex Jones has been attacking Bitcoin and Jordan Peterson. Most of his guests are manipulated. I don't listen to Alex's monologues anymore because they tend to be about him and how he is under attack peppered with news that I can find elsewhere. Sometimes I'll listen if he has an interesting guest on.
Alex Jones also pretends that he was responsible for Trump's election. A lot of people were responsible for Trump's election. I think that greater factors were the anons, the chans, and Breitbart.
I'll say this about Zach he's got some interesting views on the world. I think his view on the Las Vegas shooting having a middle east connection is more actuate than the one that the MSM is promoting. However his record at predicting stuff in the near future is about as shitty as Q's.
I had my own conspiracy theory for a while that Alex was using Zach to give out some intelligence that he had but couldn't give out himself because his "sources" would get mad. There is no way of knowing whether Zach is legitimate or not. Alex Jones was giving the same theories about Saudi Arabia as Zach was. It is highly likely that SA was involved in LV.
I think that might be true. Remember Zach started calling into the show at least a couple years ago and he was just a really informed on current events and a well spoken caller back then but I think Alex figured out who Zach was and uses him to promote some of his more hush hush intelligence he gets from military sources. It's really no different than bringing a guest on the show because they are some expert in a break news story.