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RE: Still serious questions surface on the Birth Certificate for Barack Hussien Obama. and the lap dog media not only will not investigate, they attack anyone who does!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

well, what can I say? perhaps again quote Carlin :

"the table is tilted, folks, the game is rigged ...."

the whole voting mechanism and electronic system - is corrupted. it has been not a secret since Bush Jr. "victory" (with help of his brother's manipulations or something?)

perhaps only if and when the whole voting system is totally changed and made on Blockchain - as I've recently watched apparently Ron Paul is now proposing... (here is related article; similar last year)

I do not think that it would even come to that "actual guerrilla warfare", because most of people prefer to remain in their "comfort zone" bubble, stay asleep - again, as Carlin said in the end of that Episode (usually searchable by name "American Dream")

"one has to be asleep to believe it ..."

so, the Era of Advanced Consumerism (no capitalism or anything else exists anymore) has made people into Consumers: apolitical, amoral, inert, indifferent... just perfectly satisfied with their own situation and overall state of affairs ... again, as Carlin said (sorry, I like to quote him :D): "Public sucks - FUCK Hope!" also as I recall it was Aaron Russo, another outspoken critique, who has made a diagnosis: that actually there is no any "democracy" - it is a Corporatocracy! or something like that ...


just after I've written and posted this - saw another related post made few days ago: "Who Really Won The 2018 Midterm Elections"

The real winner was: Nobody.

50.8% of eligible voters– 119,666,500 people– didn't vote...

So don't let anyone tell you that Democrats or Republicans won any election ever again. Remember that the real winner of the 2018 U.S. midterm elections, if we count all the eligible voters, including the ones that didn't even think it was worth it to vote– is "No Confidence" in the United States government.


Sadly, most of the voters that do NOT vote seems to be Conservatives. The Liberals have always managed to get their people out to vote. We need to get MAD, and we could take this Republic back, and throw out all the professional politicians.

This anger is building, and has been putting non politicians into office all over the country! The new Governor here in Oklahoma has never held office before. Lots of business owners are moving into politics.

IF WE flush enough professional political prostitutes, we can force change. BUT to do so, we have to get MAD! Real mad, and take that anger to the voting boot in large quantities! Other than that we are done.
