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RE: THIS is the logical conclusion to losing the Information War

People have rights. People can use those rights as they see fit. What you advocate isn't lawfully using rights, but any means that may be available to harm people you consider enemies.

That includes many crimes.

Criminals commit crimes. Criminals are the enemies of free people. I am not an enemy of free people, but of criminals. Therefore I don't commit crimes opposing criminals, and no free person should.

When free people use their rights to take up common cause against criminals, they win. When free people become criminals, free people lose, and criminals win.

Your argument seems to be that it is irrelevant whether one is good or evil, as long as one wins.

I vehemently disagree, and expect free people to be able to trust one another, rely on one another, and to work together to oppose criminals and their depredations successfully in time. Amongst the things that need to happen first is that the criminal lies that are used to confuse and seduce free, law-abiding people to abandon the righteous principles that make them free--and when this succeeds, those formerly free people become criminals--need to be revealed, prevented, and overcome with truth and mutual support.

The most important weapon is principle, and only by adhering to just and lawful principles can that weapon be wielded. Abandoning that weapon reduces the power of the free to that wielded by criminals, and that is foolish.

The truth will set you free. When you abandon principles, you become your own worst enemy. Doing so secures your defeat in the contest for a just society.


People have rights.

"Rights" from whom? "Rights" guaranteed by what? "Rights" based upon which legitimate authority? People within a polity have previleges accorded a citizen in forms of legal protection. The state/crown has no obligation to extend legal protection to those whose only purpose is the destruction of its sociocultural matrix. According legal previleges to traitors is sociocultural suicide, in which process the West has been engaged for the past 50 years. Why not allow the CCP to blast its propaganda directly to Western citizens without restriction? Oh wait, the West already accords such legal protection to a clear foreign, hostile entity. What sheer lunacy!

Your faith in human rationality and virtuousness is a reflection of your own character. Man tend to attribute those characteristics he himself possesses. Yet, be aware that some men intentionally spew falsehood to an audience of unwise losers with the explicit purpose of increasing misery and chaos. Extending sociocultural previleges of a polity to those whose only desire is to have their very society burnt to ashes around them is not a principled position but a suicidal impulse.
