Deeply affecting, and revelatory of the strings we all feel tugging as we dance to their tune.
I remain confident that ordinary people have been, are, and will be free, because physics effects it. Only as long as feeble threads tug in the direction of perceived benefits are folks drawn by them. Presently the evolving paradigm is creating a new resistance to that suction, as distribution of independent means - the best definition of wealth - continues to accelerate.
Money is not wealth, but a contrivance to concentrate wealth. As actual wealth, goods, services, and the community that enjoys them, is availed people via their own means of production, immune to parasitic extraction conveying individual production to overlords via taxation, profits, fees and institutional projection of force, restoration of the natural liberty people are blessed with, and dissolution of the collectivism that has arisen by the concentration of capital and productive power in the hands of overlords of industry, develops.
Across every field of industry physics mandates decentralization as the cutting edge of technological advance, and exponentially accelerates the increase in power individuals gain over institutions technology creates. No manipulation of the weak minded, censorship, or lies can affect the laws of physics, and as reality asserts capability this fact sets us free.
The sooner we grasp that reality, the better we are able to effect more of it. Your insight facilitates that realization, enabling us to seize our freedom from the obscuring miasma of disinformation.
Thank you valued-customer for the accolades and highly insightful response. So true on the physics aspect, and right back at ya on those accolades. Your posts are always valuable and contain a true wealth of information :) All the best to you.