Attempting to tie TRUMP to Jeffery Epstein...
I mean hey, Trump knows him, literally ALL Billionaires know of each other and cross paths occasionally. But there are at least TWO Overriding FACTS here, that can be verified and corroborated.
1. Trump Kicked Epstein out of the Mar-a-Lago Resort, and revoked his membership.
2. Trump also gave the FBI and law enforcement his testimony on what he knew of Epstein.
That's hardly what Epstein's "buds" did when they were approached by LEOs, and all the closest "friends" like the Clintons were definitely clamming up when they heard he was under investigation. Here's an excerpt from an article I will link in the end...
Bill Clinton took ‘at least’ 26 flights to “Lolita Island” with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Clinton even ditched his Secret Service detail on several occasions to run off with convicted pedophile Epstein and accused pedophile (and crappy actor) Kevin Spacey. Details of wealthy, powerful elites who participated in orgies with underage children at Epstein’s private island are about to come out, thanks to Mike Cernovich’s efforts. Therefore, the media is furiously trying to give President Trump the “Thomas Jefferson treatment.”
This "Thomas Jefferson Treatment" refers to a 200+ year old "hit piece" done on our 3rd POTUS, claiming he fathered all the children of a slave, Sally Hemings, which was debunked back in the day and roundly decried by historians. Oprah later revived this discredited story to deflect criticism of Bill Clinton when a young Black Man came forward claiming to be the son of Bill Clinton. Long Story Short? Slick Willy is "too busy" to get a DNA test to disprove this young man's claims. How Convenient...
Here's the article I clipped above, FAKE NEWS ALERT! I am sure you can find AMPLE other evidence to back it up online, I mean if Trump had any friendship with Epstein, or was guilty of similar crimes, certainly the DOJ could have let the Orgy Island operator slip through their grasp. Actually, they have denied bail because he (Epstein) is a flight risk, he owns at least 6 upscale residences around the world besides his private island.
Here's hoping these shitfucks starts getting the beatings they all deserve. This part of humanity really needs to be rooted out and removed from the gene pool. The ability to harm children is something only a psychopath is capable of, and not something humanity needs to coddle and think is "just a little problem" or "they are too big to take down".
These "people" are the tip of the iceberg, the same folks that do this are also responsible for nearly all the political strife, currency manipulations, class warfare, most of the wars in the world, and you name it. This is the "Operation Spear Tip" of taking down the Deep State, I believe.
Pedos get killed in prison, if left in general population. Too many inmates have had some type of child abuse in their past and therefore hate abusers of all types. Go Figure...
We can seriously hope that this is the beginning of the fall of the ruling class. For the love of... there is how many billions of people to the minuscule number of these cunts in "power"?
Interesting the connection with pedos in jail. To bad that isn't really a societal response, not just the prisoners responding. EVERYONE should be disgusted and appalled by this shit! There has to be a time when we can mostly quell that shit. The only aspect of the whole "precog" idea I find warranted, rooting out pedophiles.
I thought that I'd show my special, one and only, Trump coin!

You Know What I Like........
Like I stated in a comment yesterday:
Sure does make you wonder whose the push behind this knowing there is so many prominent people involved, is it the Trump administration trying to leverage against the Clinton's Democratic machine or the Democratic machine trying to leverage itself against the Trump administration given how cheerful Pelosi was the other day when she said "we may lose a few of own but let's see where the chips fall". In regard to the latter I guess everyone is considered collateral damage in the quest to get Trump.
I firmly do not believe Trump was involved with Epstein in that fashion, like the article stated he was the only one, and this has been published elsewhere, that came forward during the investigation before of Epstein and that it's a well established fact he banned him from his properties.
As far as the Thomas Jefferson statement it was probably not a wise choice to incorporate that into the article. There has been a conclusive Y chromosome link that the youngest Hemming's boy was father by a male from the Jefferson family, it is highly unlikely that it was from a male other then Thomas Jefferson, whose father in law was the father of Sally Hemming, which made Jefferson's wife her half sister, which upon the father in law's death Thomas Jefferson inherited his father in laws slaves. It is more highly likely that upon Jefferson's wife death that he took up with her half sister than it is that another male from the Jefferson family fathered Sally's children. In other DNA test the probability was strong but not conclusive that all but one of her children more than likely belonged to Jefferson. Using a fallacy to support one's conclusion is generally not a good idea.
As far as Pelosi goes, I believe she is likely just happy that she will be spared, she is a lot of "things" but I have never seen her as a Pedo. Tons of what we think we know already goes back to Huma's laptop that Weiner was using, and it was held for evidence. That right there was likely the trigger for the whole undoing of the Hillary Campaign. The rumored contents of that laptop are almost to hideous to speak of, and I'd rather these rumors be proven false. There is likely ample incrimination otherwise...
I agree that there is a lot of convoluted reasoning going on, and "Oprah" started it LOL
The point remains, the LSM is trying to use non-sequitars to deflect for the Clintons again, and it's a great idea to front-run the BS. But much better to stick to solid facts. Even the "" has their trollish sources, "Liberty Headlines" has ran fake news which was shoved right up their nether regions in the same weekly news cycle, they stated that Trump would do "X" and he actually did "Y", which was exactly what he proposed in the first place. I caught them in this at least 3 times and now I do not read them much anymore.
I think it's Mar-a-Lago
Thanks SJ! I fixed it after I verified it from my receipt of my yearly dues
LOL (jk)
The Temple to Baal shall Fall!
Maybe EOS with all their occult imagery will lose some main players at the same time?
Wouldn't that be a hoot, locked away for the rest of their lives without access to the crypto world.
It seems that the DNC is using this firestorm with with Epstein to take down Trump. I guess they are looking for the "silver lining" in this crises.
"Never let a crisis go to waste" is the Modus Operandi of the DNC!
They will of course try and get Trump with any means possible, but in this case it seems he has all his ducks in a row (as usual). I heard on Fox radio today (7-13-19) that Alan Dershowitz was named... not sure what the charges are but he's came out saying he will be cleared, yada-yada
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