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RE: Is the coming Grand Solar Minimum cooling the planet and leading to a global food crisis?

The data, scientific analysis, and models of climate change are now very clear. The globe is warming due to human emissions of greenhouse gases. We are already facing serious problems and unless we take drastic measures those problems will get more and more serious. The biggest impediment to making those changes is the spread of false information and opinions that are not based on the evidence. It took me some time to find credible articles, pointing to scientific papers on the global solar minimum, but you can find one here ( Note that the best science (which is the best that we can do at this point) shows that a GSM would reduce temps by -0.5C. See the graph showing just how little effect this has on the models for climate change--the world will still be in trouble. If we got a bad GSM, it would give us around 15 years, but once it ends, that slow down will be gone. So please, stop hurting our children and grandchildren. It is good to be skeptical, but to ignore the overwhelming evidence, models, and scientific expertise behind climate change is frankly irresponsible. Could the science be wrong? Yes, the globe may warm more slowly, or we might find a way to engineer ourselves out of the problems, although so far we are finding that the globe is warming at an even faster pace than predicted. That said, I share your concern about big business and politicians exploiting people. Most who deny climate change do so because they profit from it. The growing inequality then makes the best solutions to stem climate change, politically unpopular. A carbon tax is widely believed to be the best approach, but most of us can't afford such a tax. This is why the green new deal focuses on shifting to alternative energy instead. FiveThirtyEight has a good article on the political issues around a carbon tax and how the green new deal bypasses some of the problems:

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives


The Guardian newspaper will only print MSM politically engineered propaganda, I won't be reading them for any science.
There seems to be a split in opinions, as there are numerous scientists propounding the GSM theory who seem to be as concerned as you are about the children. These are just theories. But I certainly have heard a lot about the GSM and I like what I hear. I don't believe you or the propaganda from MSM. I just don't believe you. I have read too much other info that makes you sound like that con man Al Gore conning the world with a carbon tax scam. Pollution is a problem of course and we need to get off carbon. But we could have done that decades ago. The fact that the powers that be have not replaced carbon fuels in cars is in my opinion because they don't want to. They want to make money from the dirty oil and fossil fuels for a while longer. All the tech is there but the political will is blocking it. That is the real crime - that they knowingly harm our children and grandchildren, so let's turn our focus on the real criminals who do this.
You opinion based on science is as valid as the GSM based on science that is easy to find on youtube. It's an information war for the minds of the masses, while the powers that be don't seem to care about your children I noticed, otherwise they would have removed fossil fuels decades ago. Electric vehicles have been around for a long time.