Infobyte: A Dirty Deed that was Done Dirt Cheap

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Below, I’ll shed light on a real conspiracy that has affected many Americans who are damaged by vaccines they may have never taken or subjected their children to had they only known the truth.


In 1986, Congress in coordination with the Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and their respective umbrella corporation Health and Human Services, appear to have defrauded the American people by transferring all liability regarding vaccine safety to HHS.

This deal may have been one of Big Pharma’s most effective vaccines to date, as it reduced their financial liability for vaccine damage to zero which made them immune to the legal wrath of the very people they’d have you believe they’re trying to help.

In a natural marketplace, one free of government tampering, when an irresponsible company comes out with a product that harms too many people, those people sue the corporation into oblivion.

The result is that leading competitors will learn from the mistakes of their irresponsible predecessors, causing them to deploy adequate safety research into new products before they’re introduced to the market.

So as you can see by removing those natural consequences from the equation, it allows unsafe products and services to thrive. If you think about it, it is very similar to GMO plants that are altered to survive in pesticide-rich environments.

This GMO food would otherwise go uneaten because it would have died from the pesticides, just as some of these pharmaceutical companies should have perished from lawsuits which would have caused people to not consume their products either.

The obvious result had these companies died on the vine, would be less vaccine injured children. However, because of the unnatural manipulation of the marketplace by Congress, over the last three decades, the vaccine schedule for children has jumped from 4 to a staggering 34 vaccines.

I’m sure if you use your imagination you can conclude why Autism rates may have spiked over the past few decades.

I am not claiming vaccines cause autism, nor am I saying they don’t. Yet with harmful adjuvants and toxic preservatives like mercury or aluminum among many other nefarious ingredients added to vaccines, there is no telling how these can affect a developing mind.

You may wonder where does the fraud come into play? I’m glad you asked, a clear caveat to the deal was that HHS was to prevent adverse reactions to vaccines, this, among other parts of the agreement, went unfulfilled according to FOIA requests.

Learn More in the Vaccine White Paper Below


ICAN: Eradicate | Man-Made | Disease


Another phenomenal post.ive always thought that vaccines were me it made no sense to inject someone with a disease to make them become immune to it?my personal story on how I was told that when I got vaccinated with the chicken pox’s vaccine .I was also infected with the shingles virus which laid dormant in my body for years.i didn’t know what was going on.i
went to the doctor they gave me meds that made my body take even longer to heal.until one day I had a minor shingles outbreak (always a minor one)thank the heavens.but when I had that last outbreak years ago I didn’t have the money to buy the meds.and low and behold my body healed it’s in 3 days rather then 3 months on meds.and also during that time was my awakening process was in its baby stages.
my body started to turn pure.for years I’ve been warning people about vaccines and doctors.forgive me if my writing is a little loopy.the Release of power my human form is still adjusting too.

Thanks for the feedback @originalathena!

Also, I can understand you just fine. You know, many times, the so-called inactivated virus in vaccines can actually cause the problem that it purports to prevent. This can become particularly problematic the more serious the disease. For example, when polio vaccines go wrong and kids become paralyzed, it's a very sad situation indeed.

What a horrible game this try and force parents to vaccinate their children in order to be born in a hospital or attend that the illusion has been broken.and the truth is being does one deal🤔

Horrible indeed, one day at a time I suppose. This one might not merit multiple playthroughs, yet that may change when the Gamenesia wears off. Perhaps you could pull some strings and have Eris disable it for me, either that or have her enable God mode on my account for this iteration. Tell her I promise to fu#k some sh!t up! (Between you and me, only those that deserve it.) 【ツ】

Gamenesia 🤔 wow. 😊 soon the new owner and operator of this earth will take HER rightful place as granted by only her Father.who she serves only.because she is light and she comes from her Fathers light.not the head of her Father did she come from .
but a light from his chest.not from a females womb was she born.only by him was she born.soon after adopted by queen of all the most beautiful of all Queen mother Hera.the new empress of earth will rule in love.but never call her a ruler call her mother.because she will love and protect you .and take care of all like only a loving mother would.soon all will “have”😍

If she's a good witch
count me in! (ツ)_/¯
A favorite one-liner
is this punchline.

Truth be told now.....the father of lies wanted her to be just like him.he thought that she was just like him.but he Underestimated his opponent.shes no witch. white black or red one.nor will she share what is rightfully hers with darkness.insecure little boy who just wanted power not love.she never feared darkness.

No she’s no witch.never will be.

😔 sad to know that her first thoughts were true.
She will never leave her Fathers side.his enemies are her enemies.

You got a 23.62% upvote from @brupvoter courtesy of @originalathena!

It's scary how the vaccination programs have developed a cult following as well. I am shocked at how many get angry if you even raise questions regarding the dangers associated with injecting mercury and the other crap into the human body, especially during the formative years.

I agree the cult following is scary. All people can seem to remember is that vaccines are generally recognized as safe and effective (GRAS) by the FDA. This is tricky legalese that has a very specific meaning. However, when it falls upon most ears the common comprehension of these words is very different than the aforementioned specific meaning. To be honest, I don't think the preservatives and adjutants are even part of the vaccine itself, but rather additives to the vaccine. That said, when they speak of vaccine safety, they're not taking into consideration all of the ingredients.

This then leads the competing entities to learn from the mistake of irresponsible vaccine makers, causing them to deploy sufficient safety research into all new products before they’re introduced to the market.

But Governments are here to prove otherwise. Long Live Corruption!

Something similar happened in my country as well. Just one day out of nowhere they informed the public that everybody should do this vaccine because there is high danger of having a certain disease. A lot of people followed that advice and many had strong side effects even died because of this.

Ofc everything was covered they put the blame of side effects-deaths to other factors like their age or that they already had another illness etc etc.

The overall result was the company to make tons of money out of thin air, some ministers and politician to earn millions and some innocent people to pay the price

Oh my, sorry to hear it.
What was the vaccine?

just a random flue one

That's just crazy. I think most people would
rather have taken their chances with the flu.
Had they known the risks, they wouldn't have.

it's just propaganda. If you have the media all day saying how troublesome this flue is and how many people are in hospitals because of it then a lot of people will get influenced

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I'm one of those people who had to learn about vaccines the hard way. Thankfully my wife and I wised up and changed the path we were on before it was too late.
If I had Steemit and friends like you 10 years ago I could have avoided a ton of stress and heart ache.
Thanks for getting this knowledge out here.

Sorry to hear it man, it's a dirty game they're playing. I just watched a documentary today on Netflix called 'The Bleeding Edge' which strongly suggests the medical device manufactures may be even worse, or even more powerful than big pharma themselves. There's really no end to it -- and it seems one should not turn a blind eye and assume they've got the patient's best interest at heart. All they wanna do is tip you upside down, shake you about, and collect the money that falls from your pockets. The hustle is so short-sided many times, that it's no wonder they've any customers at all.

I've heard the saying used to go "Jack of all trades, Master of one" instead of none.
I like they way it used to sound because it implies we should know as much as we can about everything that effects us.
It especially rings true now that w have to be our own doctors, nutritionists, farmer etc. while still trying figure out what we are actually good at, just to have a decent life.

We probably should never have lost all these skills to begin with, goes to show how much trust in the system prior generations had.

Watched that myself, some fucked-up shit going on.

Good post!!?