
Huh? Again "my" party? The entire point of Bernie 2020 and AOC, Tlaib, Omar, etc is specifically TO collapse the party and rebuild it as a labor party.

So you're insulting me... for something that is working?

So you're insulting me... for something that is working?

OMG THIS IS AMAZINGLY GOOD!!! I cannot believe how fucking dumb you look right now! And it was so easy to see it coming. I saw it easily but you were like "If you dont think Bernie is going to win then you're delusional"

Some bullshit you pulled out of your ass about a labor party


Is this even in English?


You fucking moron its definitely english, you just have comprehension problems and I am making a lot of fun of you right now. Your brain is going into denial mode as you start making shit up to defend your stupid bullshit ideas!!

You are not presenting any coherent thoughts other than "I LOVE 4CHAN HAHAHAHAHA"

You do not have an inner dialog. I am convinced you lack the ability to communicate and think in your own mind.

Cool NPC conspiracy theory, but I can say the same about you, you can barely speak english and all you communicate with are 4chan images.