Dear Nutritree as an americanski as a second language it's always a pleasure to already been understood by a native :). Futhermore getting a compliment on my poor writting style that I none the less try to improve warms my heart ! Thank you very much.
I agree, I would need to rewrite it all, have a clearer structure and sadly which I can't only with great struggle less orthographic mistakes and errors.
I know that wikimedia has some compromised article... but all in all it's still a great source to look quickly at a subject. In general as soon as it's too political and in the propaganda media it gets dicey :).
Of course, they believe that the narrative is stronger than reality, like when a cheating wife will use all the rhetorical stategies and more to attempt to deny the truth.
I am firm believer of : is there a tank or not, there? it's binary. 1 or 0 (it could be a fake tank, but it doesn't count as a real one :)).
Exactly, that's the thing to one not be in the frog pot and secondly wake those in, so that like the frogs of florida, we can start to eat alive :).
I like the snake and old lady story or the snake and the scorpion crossing the river, maybe it's a frog... there are such great little stories in the Amerikanski deep culture :).
I would like to know more about the swamp stories of louisiana, americans, pre americans (french) and those of the natives... I can't imagine how deep they could be :).
have a nice and great day ! be productive and healthy ! And I hope to see you soon on SNC (steemnovaclassic) :).