You are right- do not try to appease those types of people. I have never got into the Starbucks thing- they pissed me off about GMOs... Hopefully they will go down the toilet for being such sell outs.
" “In the past 2 years alone, Starbucks has been a part of a GMA-led coalition that has donated more than $70 million dollars to defeat GMO labeling efforts in California and Washington State. By opposing GMO labeling, Starbucks has willingly climbed in bed with Monsanto and the GMA and is intentionally misleading customers about their commitment to “sustainability” and “ethical sourcing”.” [1]"
I didnt know that about starbucks, thanks! Any person or organization that allies itself with GMOs is evil.
Yep. They are getting what they deserve as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of expensive coffee drinking. They have a lot of chemicals in their products so I'm not surprised by the pro-GMO stance. Their logo should raise a few eyebrows too, a sea-harpie spreading her legs. What message are they trying to send?