I haven't really meant a lot of trans people in my days, ten years of owning a salon and never once did anyone come in appearing to be trans. There was a college guy who lived around the corner whose friends dared him to dress like a woman and walk to the store once but apparently he liked dares because they also dared to him to walk to the store in only his bathrobe once...of course to the delight of my patron and I who were up in the window basking in his willingness to stop and give a full three hundred and sixty degree turn around, he was a hottie. Couple of women with butch cuts but if they were trans they hid it quite well. I've found gay women are more susceptible to staying closeted while gay men are more open. Trans people, the only couple I've met in my life seemed more emotionally guarded about displaying themselves openly, sort of a look I am trans you don't like I don't know what else you expect me to say about it other then how I am not afraid of being openly displayed about it. One of them was a sex worker who made claims he took care of one of the local weathermen. I never believed him until many years later it came out that weatherman was gay. He must have gotten off having anal sex with a man dressed like a woman or them giving him head, I didn't care to get into the details at the time but after it became public knowledge he was gay and knowing that tidbit was true watching the weather report was never the same again. Places like California where the display and acceptance of the abc crowd has been going on for years the rest of us are stilling struggling with the difference between comedy and reality. Makes it rough for your first inclination not to want to laugh.
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I think that someone who would grow up to be a lesbian or would just have been known as a tomboy now has a society of predators telling them that they are transgendered and then they give them sterilizing drugs, in the future this will be seen as a great crime, typical progressives trying to exterminate anyone who is different.
I find that most lesbians I have encountered have a story to tell of abuse by male figure in their childhood, somehow they never found a way to address their emotions over the abuse. Psychologically the patterns of male domination in society coupled with whatever happened to them may be more of a contributor to their decision to jump ship rather than to fight for their rights. I am not a psychologist but I've often considered that link. In the normal pattern of things most psychologist agree that if children are left alone they will usually outgrow the stage they are in.
There might be something to that, as a man they often seem hostile towards me for no reason, one time I was getting on an airport shuttle and it was getting full and a woman got on and my wife elbowed me and was like "offer her your seat" so I got up and she yelled at me "I have a girlfriend!" but I also count a lesbian amoung the small handful of people I consider friends. For her she was really not doing well as a heterosexual, she is not attractive to most men but as a lesbian she is a rockstar, if I was ever single and wanted a wingman in the club to help me pick up chicks she would be my first choice.