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RE: A Memo analysis, and a look at criminal conspiracy

I don't Clinton is going under that bus w/o dragging everybody she can with her...she's got Obama on an Espionage Act violation with her (he was sending emails to her off-accountability server)

The Deep State (and I'll tell the truth here, I'm not sure exactly hoe it is composed...I know there is a Leftist component, a globalist component, a neocon (maybe the same as globalist?) component, and probably a lot of just plain ol corruptocrats) will probably try to make peace by offering up all the 2nd-tier and down guys...keeping Clinton's head off the chopping block, and thus Obama's. In exchange, no civil war (or maybe not, I wouldn't be surprised if various III% groups might take independent action of their own in that scenario).

Hell, The Deep State will still control the media, the judiciary, the educational system, much of the non-security burrocracy, and their Narrative is still followed by the bulk of upper middle class folk (the Political Class)

IMO, it would be better to just start locking everybody up and deal with whatever violence that engenders. I don't want that, and it has serious downsides, but otherwise, we're just still kicking cans down the road


Trump knows he has to indict Clinton,otherwise his own base will turn against him.