Building Covert Networks #1 - Introduction, Basic Questions, Background Reading


I am going to be coming at this series with a big assumption in mind...that the DeepState/LeftistSubversion "alliance", or whatever it is, will survive the draining of the swamp...if that even happens. Following from that, there is still time to prepare for whatever happens next.

So the purpose to put out this series is to help you start building your covert networks NOW.

I am aware that this material can be used in evil ways, just as informationwar techniques can be, or anonymity methods. It's like a gun, it can be used for good, or for bad. Drug cartels and terrorist organizations use these techniques. However, since the people who have sworn to protect this country have not done so in regards to the DeepState/LeftistSubversion conspiracy, it is up to you to decide how to protect yourself and your family.

Final intro notes...I have not built a network myself, nor is it likely that I will do so (and we will discuss why that is so as part of the theory discussion on leadership in the process). I have not done all the background reading myself, and some of the background reading comes from sources such as white supremacist or leftist terror groups, so you will have to filter out some chaff to get at the technique. I will be "teaching" from a "learning myself" mode.

The Concepts We Will Discuss

  • My analysis of the situation is that this DeepState/LeftistSubversion "Alliance" attained power as a subversive movement of groups cooperating for their own purposes. The key point is that their subversion worked. So the enemy is not a depersonalized and faceless "government". It is very specific individuals who have chosen corruption, tyranny, and treason.

  • For this reason, I don't think that traditionally viewed revolutions, such as armed groups hiding in the woods or taking over radio stations...or mass street demonstrations, will work to unthrone these people. I won't say these methods can not work. In fact, they may be the end game. But these things don't happen out of the blue either.

  • Human activity works best when supported by other humans. We engage in groups to make our actions more efficient. Yet acting in the open against these people has had it's consequences as they do punish their enemies, and get away with it. So organizing for covert action protects you ( and your friends and family that are NOT involved in these activities as well).

  • Counter-intelligence is key. You don't want enemy spies, or easily compromised people to join your networks. Nor do you want people that aren't committed to your mission. In America, right-wing groups have historically been penetrated more easily by the government; government agents have been able to key in on themes such as patriotism and law and order to "flip", or compromise, or turn, members of right-wing groups.

  • As a general rule of thumb, you will not want to include people in your networks THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW PERSONALLY. I'll repeat this...YOU DO NOT WANT PEOPLE IN YOUR NETWORK THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW AND TRUST TO MAKE THE RIGHT DECISIONS CONCERNING YOUR NETWORK. This applies much more strongly if you are considering "direct actions" (read illegal actions, and I urge you not to commit illegal activities, or to advocate illegal actions publicly)

  • On the other hand, there is this point to make. Every covert group can have a different function towards your end goal. In addition, not every group working towards the end goal has to be covert. Along these lines, a person can belong to many different groups with a different function.
    Example functions:
    Community Resilience
    Operations Support
    Direct Action 1
    Direct Action 2
    Volunteer Emergency Services (established)
    Security, AKA Counter-Intelligence

  • Following up on the last point, membership in several open and established groups can provide opportunities for recruitment and/or intelligence. Your local volunteer fireman or neighborhood watch member may share your views, while hobnobbing in your local political group may give you "back alley" or informal communications with politicians.

  • And regarding these groups with different functions, it is not just illegal actions that can get you in trouble, but if you do get infiltrated, your actions may be countered because your enemy has intelligence on your actions. So organizing an informationwar group online can be done openly, as we ourselves have done...or a covert group could be organized for specific IW tasks. So you could organize this group without personal knowledge and trust of the people involved, but realize that online actions are easily compromised, not just by human failure, but also by hacking or esurveillance.

  • You have to understand how subversion works. Not every member of an organization has to be a subversive, or compromised by the subversive movement, for that orhanization's goals and actions to be controlled by the subversive group. This applies to "the government" as well.

  • Leadership - Recruiting, being out in front, organizing...these are all human endeavors, and require a certain amount of social skill. If you are the shrinking violet type of person, then you have to understand that the networks you organize will be smaller than a person with a normal, in general, social network, can generate.

"For most of human history, the art of the hero wasn't left up to chance; it was a multidisciplinary endeavor devoted to optimal nutrition, physical self-mastery, and mental conditioning. The hero's skills were studied, practiced, and perfected, then passed along from parent to child and teacher to student. The art of the hero wasn't about being brave; it was about being so competent that bravery wasn't an issue. You weren't supposed to go down for a good cause; the goal was to figure out a way not to go down at all. Achilles and Odysseus and the rest of the classical heroes hated the thought of dying and scratched for every second of life. A hero's one crack at immortality was to be remembered as a champion, and champions don't die dumb. It all hinged on the ability to unleash the tremendous resources of strength, endurance, and agility that many people don't realize they already have." --Christopher McDougall, "Natural Born Heroes"

  • Study is fundamental. These are things that you must understand. I can give you a rough outline and discussion, and I can point you at study material, but when it comes down to any given make-or-break point in your social networking, it is you that have to know what you are doing.

  • Start a new online identity separate from your own before you organize any online covert groups. Learn OPSEC methods BY HEART before you put your own family at risk.

  • Keep your mouth SHUT. Loose lips sink ships. Look before you leap. Measure twice, cut once. Once you have been penetrated/infiltrated/subverted, it's too late for a second reading of what you should have done

Background Reading

You could spend a lot of time on the Mountain Guerilla site alone, but it's best to always absorb material from different angles.
My suggestion is to read these links in the order listed, although as I have said, I have not done a full study myself.

Radical book club examines how to organize for power successfully.
radical book club: what Righties can do

Organized resistance amongst normal people (of whom I generally consider myself one, since I’m not aware of any psychological disorders that I suffer from) will not begin to occur until the kernel of that resistance is formed by individuals and small groups becoming disenfranchised enough to start developing their networks.
The Kernel of Resistance: Mountain Guerilla

Formation and Organization of Resistance Movements

Fundamentals of Auxiliary Organization

How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Thirteen: An Understanding of Decapitation Strategy and it's Uses Beyond Assassination

Additional Links - Organizing the Right, Brainstorming

It is impossible to prosecute a deceased elder citizen for failing to tell the ATF what he did with his guns.
Gun Laundering--Sean Flannery.....28

Highlighting some links from the last link:
How To Spot Informants



Understanding the Form, Function, and Logic of Clandestine Cellular Networks: The First Step in Effective Counternetwork Operations


There is more than enough material here to get started.

I have added some images which give possible variations of underground cells. How you organize your own cells and functions is at your discretion.

My major points are these:

  • Keep your cards close to your chest
  • Study and decide what you need to do and learn based on your strengths and weaknesses
  • That’s what movements are about: gaining power. Movements don’t just happen. And they’re not the product of orders from on high, or rent-a-protestors paid out of somebody’s checkbook. They’re the product of a lot of people doing a lot of hard work over a very long time.
    From the Status 451 website

I am open to selecting my next post in this series based on the discussion of this post and theses readings. If you want my next post to be on a specific subject in this study, LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS!

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Commenting in order to bookmark this in my own activity. Lots of material to read.... want to be able to come back easily and find the links.

it will take me several reads to put all this together in a simple form, plus I have many more links to dump over time

M'eh, I'll just wait until the heavy fighting dies down and then figure out who to trust.

I'm paranoid that I wouldn't last that long ;>

It is all a matter of knowing when to stick your head out to be noticed again.

it's being part of or creating communities that understand the need to defend themselves

knowing people with land and certain skills that make living off the land enjoyable enough is one way to go. They would likely teach you everything you need within a year in exchange for the labor it takes to learn it.

Being the guy who can get the electricity and plumbing working is a big plus too ;)

for better or for worse, I'm on a different trajectory

and i can't deny that building prepping communities is a good way of dealing with these issues; even as just a matter of community resilience for natural emergencies

and covert organization can be used in forming these communities as far as vetting new members and maintaining opsec

but in the long run, this country is does not belong to leftist /globalist leeches and tyrants...and if they are not dealt with, I doubt they will allow self-reliant communities to survive without "their guidance" in the long run

My back up is my years of experience in private security management. Could get me close to one of the rich and powerful types, so me and my team can eat him in the night. Or possibly rule through fiat after I tell him about the plans for us to eat him, what ever comes first

In all seriousness we need back up more than ever, they snatch away people for wrong think every day in Britain and there are many powerful people looking to bring that here in a big way.

I wish Count Dankula had a better moniker but he was a cannery in the coal mine for me. What happened to Robinson made me pissed beyond belief.

They certainly do have their networks or else these folk would have been free and clear within hours of being accused of saying the wrong thing.

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