I normally don't do a written post and a video post on the same thing. I like to combine them. However, this is a completely different type of project. I did a video version for the other video only platform I am on (BitChute) and decided that folks here might find that easier to deal with than the post filled with text and screen shots. It was pretty eye busy.
Gosh...no more YouTube and BitTube basically kicked me off.
I embedded a little tribute to my channel as well. A lot of work and a ton of fun and laughs went into it. Not all of my videos were serious ones and I had them grouped into playlists for the viewers. BitChute does not allow that....yet. It is just one VERY long list of videos.
Anyway, here is the video version for people who prefer to watch rather than read...
BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/squirrelbait/ WEKU: https://main.weku.io/@squirrelbait
Everything You Say And Do Online Can And Will Be Used Against You.
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Have you tried 3speak?
I'm still thinking about it.
Let me know if they have a fee?
According to the term of use agreement they do but it doesn't say how much. You can earn steem but it is implied that you can't pay the monthly fee in steem. I keep finding conflicting info as to who/what is behind it as well. The info provided on the platform is that it is "3Speak is trading name of Oracle-D Communities Limited, a private limited company registered in the Seychelles, company number 206239." Africa. hmmm...... Also the privacy policy link doesn't work.
The info I found online is that it is "owned" by Starcotech in the UK. Co-founder being Dylan Leighton.
Two other founders are Matt Starkey and Dan Hensley. Who knows who ( or what agency/company) else. There's the front people and then there's the silent co-founders has been my experience. I'm thinking about it but......
As always, as you know, do your own research before signing up for things. A lesson I have learned. I am tired of having accounts that can never be truly deleted because I didn't do my due diligence before signing up. Lot's of wolves in shepherd's clothing out there.
Dtube never works for me, 3speak has.
Who knew it's ownership would be so murky?
I watch a few people on it.
You could say that your videos are not made for children. Of course, what they're doing is criminal and many things.
Yes. However, that does not stop a child under 13 from watching it and their info gathered by YouTube. Marking the videos only does one thing......YouTube will not data mine viewers of the videos marked "made for kids". They will continue business as usual on the others. This does NOT solve the COPPA rule problem. The wording regarding content provider liability is in the new terms of service. You have to go to the table of context to find it. By using the service it says you agree to all terms effective Dec 10th. Marking the videos does not protect the content provider from data mining errors as far as I can see and as far as the terms of service state. They are trying to get people to focus on CONTENT of the video and not the COPPA rule's real purpose which is PRIVACY for kids under 13. Something only YouTube can control ( and doesn't want to) NOT the content providers. It is clear to me the intent is to pass the fine down to the channel owners.
By the way, legally speaking, they are not really able to pass the fines onto the channel owners. By the way, technically speaking, when you make a channel on YouTube, you are not the administrator, the owner of that channel. There are YouTube videos out there that talk about this. I agree with what they say. It's a long story. Now, of course, bad people are always trying to change the laws. They try to selectively enforce laws. So, some laws may be bad. Some laws may not be enforced. Sometimes, they try to use laws and other things to attack conservatives, etc. Some of the judges are corrupt. So, of course, they try to do things legally that they should not be allowed to do. So, I was saying that they shouldn't be able to pass the fines down to alleged YouTube channel owners. But that does not mean they're not trying to. So, that may happen if it hasn't already. That's why people have to get involved politically and everything before we lose everything.
A fight in court on passing down the fines I would think is an easy win. As I state in my post, content providers do not gather info therefore can not violate the law. YouTube can not just pass on to other people their legal obligations. I think it's an easy case to win. However, I sure agree with you on the legal system and corruption mixed with political bias. Oh, I hear ya there and we can all see it. Google has been in so much trouble lately but it's no big deal to them. They pay the fines, play some games, and then continue on. It's a joke. Really nice talking with you. Yeah, we need to stand up for ourselves. We need to learn to say "No" and we need to push back.
However, if YouTube takes down the content, then is Google not breaching their own liability protection agreement by moving from being platforms to become publishers? See, as soon as you begin to act like publishers, then you cannot legally have liability protection, the Safe Harbor Act, etc.
Yeah, I have noticed they want to be a platform in some cases and a publisher in others. I heard some folks are trying to get them to say in court which they are as part of a suit filed by folks whose channels were terminated. That way it is on record and will end that little game.
Alex Jones talks about it. Other people talk about it. That is true. We can look at what happened legally with AT&T in the 1970's and Microsoft in the 1990's as they were in court for years fighting against like the United States. I would like to see tech cartels go to court now in the 2020's. The problem is that there are many corrupt judges. That is is the tough part.
I agree with what you're saying and it is true that people should boycott Google, Facebook, Twitter, Disney, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, etc. I'm against what Bill Gates does with bad vaccines in India. Many people died. There might be some good vaccines out there. Long story. At the same time, I try to go to where the people are. So, I try to go on YouTube because people are on YouTube. I try to reach out to new people.
On the hunt for a better platform AGAIN....
Google (YouTube) are not doing themselves anyfavours....
The demise of YT started a while back with suppression of monetisation channels, this is another broadbrush restriction that just limits all content creators......
See ya around!
Hi my friend! Yup, time to go. YouTube is going to be filled with corporate shills (influencers) showing off products like make-up and so on. It will basically be a commercial platform literally. All videos will be a type of commercial. Prepping channels will all be about the cool gear people can buy rather than about actually prepping. That's all that will be left. The sad part about this COPAA nightmare, and I blame the FTC as well for allowing YouTube to pass the buck on that, is that Google gets what it wants...we leave. Great to hear from ya.
Frankly, Youtube is committing fraud by lying to people about COPPA and coercing them to undertake the burden of compliance with it Youtube bears.
I bet RICO would be useful as a means of encouraging Youtube to cease undertaking to defraud content creators in this way.
It's insane and takes a lot of nerve. Yeah, it will be interesting and telling to see how all this plays out.