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RE: Coming Soon To A City Near You... We Are The Water Police

It will be illegal to collect rain water for use in the near future. In Ecuador, the government declared nonsanctioned collection and use of water illegal resulting in popular uprising and expulsion of a US water service company. In the West, because subjects have disposable resources, such law may not be so readily opposed. Our masters will likely declare rain water to be too polluted for human use and declare such collection illegal for the safety of the "children."

The entire propaganda edifice has been pumping out lunacy regarding "guilt" of first world nations towards the less developed countries. The water scheme may be another tactic to rob resources from first world nations in guise of "helping" the less fortunate, much like the "carbon" tax scheme of the so-calles Paris Accord. The UN is discovering that they have reached the limits of robbing the less developes world; they seem to be targeting the first world now.


Not long ago a farmer in the US was arrested and then fined for collecting rainwater!

I was going to ask about rain water, too. Collecting rainwater is one thing... what about watering your crops with God's rain, instead of paying for the service?
All jokes aside, this is not a good thing at all. Why are those big corporations even involved with this? Seems like an obvious conflict of interests to me.

The UN is backed by the huge corporations who want to sell our resources back to us for profit. There was a guy in Kentucky I think who was arrested for collecting railwater. Believe me, if they can figure out a way to either tax or control rain... they will!