
Or... I'm lying and I'm really just part of the conspiracy... not sure which option is more spooky! O_o

I checked out your blog. You look like one of them. Lol just kidding but not really.

You looked at my blog but didn't upvote anything... I'm hurt. /cry

The one I wanted to upvote was 20 days old.

What can I post that you would upvote @snowpea?

A) A portrait of flowers made from recycled newspaper
B) A poem that attempts to convey fractal math
C) A prediction and chart analysis on SPAM Coin(TM)
D) Other (O_o)

Also just be mindful that my upvotes are very small. ;)

Mine are smaller, and I sprinkle them like tiny fairy dust on all things that go good with... fairy dust... or sprinkles... or upvotes.


I knew you'd choose that one. My horoscope told me. :P

Feel free to post the link here when you're done! :)

It will be a challenge, since, the very nature of a fractal poem is that it's never finished. I may have to simulate by stealing doctor seuss.