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RE: Texans, A call to arms

in #informationwar7 years ago

Wow, I'm not usually judgmental about people's looks, but that man's appearance is evil! Just look at him!

All of this money going around, yet Texas is the state where there's an epidemic of legally kidnapped children having to sleep in CPS offices. If kids are going to be ripped from their parents, can't these monsters at least throw some money at giving the children suitable living conditions?

Thanks for calling this to our attention @ihashblox!


In the early 90s I had to get my eldest son out of TX, and it was not easy, as TX did not want to recognize the order of the court with jurisdiction. It cost them control and money.

I did it anyway.

I always used to think of Texas as a freedom loving, gun toting, "don't tread on me" kind of place. I guess that was far removed from the truth!

@snowpea ... you're right in both aspects! This is way out of hand.