Pelosi launches a paper tiger attack on President Trump; for desperate perceived political gain, it will destroy them!

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Based on an empty whistleblower's report; Pelosi has directed the entire DNC to follow her off of the "Impeachment cliff"! This is a one way trip, with sharp rocks on the bottom for the liberals! This will cost them the election in 2020, and a number of seats in the house and senate.

People are tired of the obvious lies and hate that directs the DNC today. They offer nothing but slavery and hopelessness, and people are tired of that!

Image from article:

poopie head.jpg

Article on what we need to know about impeachment:

Pelosi has jumped off of the Impeachment cliff, and has decided THIS is the moment to go all in against President Trump! The choice she has selected as "Impeachable levels of criminal activity" is a phone call with the President of the Ukraine, and an indistinct whistleblower report! This whistleblower is a deep state CIA Mole, from all available information, that did Not even hear the conversation he reported upon.

The U.S. House of Representatives, which has a Democrat majority, has launched an impeachment investigation against President Trump.

How this Got Started:

An anonymous “whistleblower,” who we now know was a CIA officer detailed to the White House, complained that the president pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to “look into” questionable behavior by Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

This is where it actually did start, with real criminal activity on the part of the federal government under Obama's watch by his vice president Joe Biden, and Son!

While Joe Biden was serving as vice president to then-President Barak Obama, he played a key role in diplomatic relations with the Ukraine. During this time, Hunter Biden joined the board of of a Ukrainian gas company called Burisma Holdings. Records show Hunter Biden made $850,000 while he served on the board, money that Bloomberg reports “was apparently routed through … company set up by one of [Hunter Biden’s] business partners.”

In 2014, Burisma was accused of corruption and possible money laundering. Viktor Shokin served as the prosecutor investigating the case, and Joe Biden personally threatened to withhold a $1 billion loan from the U.S. if Shokin were not fired from the case.

Shokin was fired.

Then the Ukraine got their Billion Dollar loan from the USA, as promised! NOW they are crazed that President Trump asked the President of the Ukraine to investigate this corruption? BUT, apparently this admitted crime by the Bidens, is nothing to worry about? This is a real impeachable offense, but on the part of Biden and Obama!

SO they want to remove President Trump, because he had the temerity to ask about actual crimes committed by a liberal?

Another commentary on this debacle:

Jesse Watters has written a very honest post on this mess.

“He beat back Spygate, the Russia hoax, he exposed Hillary and all of her corruption, and now, he’s beginning to expose the Biden family corruption in Ukraine and in China, and they want to impeach him for exposing Biden’s corruption,” Watters said.

“This is what’s going on,” he proclaimed. “The left says they don’t believe what Biden did — abusing his power, abusing taxpayer money, and his son enriching himself — is a crime. They think it’s a crime for Trump to say, ‘Hey, can you look into that?’”

They did NOT expect President Trump to release the Transcript of this call:

Trump, who allowed the “unredacted” memo’s to be release, called Democrats attempts for impeachment a “witch hunt.”

“You will see it was a very friendly and totally appropriate call. No pressure and, unlike Joe Biden and his son, NO quid pro quo!” Trump stated. “This is nothing more than a continuation of the Greatest and most Destructive Witch Hunt of all time!”

They are out on a limb, by their own choice, and they are actively sawing it off themselves!

Article on the whistleblower from the State Department:

The State department says:

Earlier this week, we also reported that the “whistleblower” had no direct knowledge of the phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukranian President Volodimir Zelensky over which they claimed to be so very concerned.

Here is the direct analysis of the data we have on the whistleblower and his report:

“Here’s what we do know. There’s reports out just minutes ago that on page three where the whistleblower said that he heard a counselor for the State Department was actually on the call, well the State Department says, no that didn’t happen. Well, we’re going to find out a whole more of what didn’t happen,” he explained.

Here’s one of the report’s major falsities:

According to this whistleblower’s report, the State Department official Ulrich Brechbuhl was on the call with the Ukrainian president.

There’s only one problem: Brechbuhl wasn’t on the call!

So the whistleblower was not on the call, and his source wasn't either; but Pelosi believes this BS, over the actual transcript of the call! Kindergarten Politics again....

NOW FOR THE MSM part of this post: I was going to include a link to the transcript in this post, But when I tried to look it up, I found two problems:

First; the first two pages were MSM Edited commentary on the Transcript, but Not the actual transcript. I rolled through their feces, and found the actual transcript; and my second problem.

Second; I found that the transcripts were virused. This did not hurt my Linex system, as they were looking for windows files to kill; and I have none here. Out of respect for my friends using windows, I decided Not to include a link, to protect others. IF YOU decide to pull in this information, do so with great caution! Scan everything carefully, this is a deliberate virus dissemination attack on those interested in the truth about this call

So watch out, they are after your computer, because You are a threat to their misinformation work! They MUST kill the truth, or they loose this attack, and likely the 2020 election too!


Those viruses are such a nasty trick!

I thought it was pretty low too! The MSM spun articles were not virused, and came up first on the search engines.

They only virus attacked the real ones, after they tried to hide them!

They have no honor or morals....



Now you are insulting dirtbags, LOL!


lol! How low can they be??

Even a dirtbag has standards, which is more than I can say for them!


You can't get lower than dirt but I think they're trying.

Thanks for the post. And the time to put it together. I think this will play out very much interest by the voting public. I found a full transcript of the report and intend to read it today on my browser. It is just to small of a print to be of much use on my phone. Also thanks for the virus heads up.

Posted using Partiko Android

I will add that transcript when I am sure of the safety of the file .
