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RE: Price Of Principles

The other day I listened to an American economics "expert" attempt to explain how taxing the super rich more is a fallacious ideology. His argument is that this approach has failed and been repealed in progressive European countries and that people like Bezos have most of their assets tied up in their companies, and that businesses like amazon employ tens of thousands of people and the economic impact of taxing these giants more than the current 21% federally speaking will ultimately stifle the productivity and hurt the masses that depend on an amazon or Microsoft like company.. He further explained that when combined with state taxes these companies end up paying as much or more than most countries. He also said raising taxes won't work because of the abundance of ways to shift money around. One such example he cited was that Bezos could simply by up farm land and enjoy write offs and subsidies that would counter any higher taxes imposed..

He was asked why billionaires like Warren Buffet are willing to pay more and accept the Bernie Sanders approach and he said that they're simply mistaken.. A pretty bold claim if you ask me. To think Buffet doesn't understand economics is mystifying..

But, I can see some of his points, namely the escapism that has already led to booms and busts in countries like Malaysia where I reside. It's too easy for corporations to conglomerate and put their money in tax shelters in some form or fashion, just as they can relocate manufacturing. In the case of amazon relocation isn't possible as ali baba isn't going anywhere and amazon doesn't exist in Asia.

Basically, I'm just saying this issue along with immigration and then climate are the hot bed issues and the USA just proved that they're not yet ready to buy into what is essentially the antithesis of Trump. They also preferred Hilary over Bernie last election. As the saying goes "fortune favours the bold" and I don't see many emboldened Americans. Perhaps the Christian values have duped the masses into believing that the meek shall inherit the Earth, so they're content fooling themselves into the delusion that they're apathy in the face of lies and corruption will get them a golden ticket to some imaginary utopia where nature doesn't find a balance. Nature always finds a balance and fighting that current will prove to be catastrophic.

Posted using Partiko Android


Thank you @skramatters, for another thoughtful comment, and one I agree with to boot ;-) (and thanks for the full post you wrote on this: I loved that too :-))