The Rothschild along with their Amerkkkan puppets have long ago decided to transport their operations to China once they completed their plans to destroy our country. The Asian people know who the Amerikkkans are more than her subjects. They have been manipulating our diplomats since the end of WWII. Our ignorance and arrogance are easily exploited with bribes and flattery. We cannot allow our criminals from Amerikkka to escape to China and perfect their genocidal conspiracy.
This book here details how the Asians manipulated America and their representatives after WWII
I'm aware of this and more. Have you gone back and looked at what we did in China starting in the 18th century...with the "tea ships" (that were really opium ships,) the slaughter at Nanking, Boxer Rebellions, etc.?
I've also written plenty about the ChiCom Social Credit Score, Google's involvement (and total free pass from Congress) and it's planned introduction here.