You are truly a rare one on here, as you have not turned this into a public drama, whilst begging for funds off people, I genuinely like your style.
Everything for sure will work out okay for you, maybe even better than before, of that I feel sure.
You are truly a rare one on here, as you have not turned this into a public drama, whilst begging for funds off people, I genuinely like your style.
Everything for sure will work out okay for you, maybe even better than before, of that I feel sure.
thats very nice of you to say @shepz1, some people i know said that maybe i should do a post on it, but seriously i did not want to 1 I am not one for begging and besides any amount of money will not bring back my poor old boat and my belongings from the depths so why bother i thought to myself ?? thanks so much for your kinds words, i do need some good luck coming my way soon, i would be most grateful sure )