They Never Thought She'd Lose: The Communist Takeover of America

in #informationwar6 years ago

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How about the mother of all conspiracy theories? If I'm right about this, and I believe I am, this could lead to arrests for treason on an unparalleled scale. First we have to go back to the 1990's and the presidency of Bill Clinton. Beginning with Bill, everything was for sale. It's well documented that the Chinese bought access to the Clinton White House. Charlie Trie, Johnny Chung, John Huang and his friend James Riady, Maria Hsia and Ted Sioeng were frequent guests of the Clintons. In return the Chinese were given access to Los Alamos Labs, were sold guided missile technology and last but certainly not least the shipyard at Long Beach California. And this was just the beginning.

Why China, one might reasonably ask. The Soviet Union had fallen and China and North Korea were the only prominent Communist regimes left. N. Korea was full of Deep State operatives until the Trump presidency and it was only after rooting them out that the denuclearization began. A look at the Obama presidency will confirm that it was full of Communists...

~ Obama- an organizer from Chicago, hotbed of Communism in the US. Friend with Bill Ayers, weather underground/Communist

~ CIA Director John Brennan- Communist

~ Advisor Valerie Jarrett- Entire family for 3 generations Communist- Obama handler (see link)

~ Sec. of State Hillary Clinton- Communist sympathizer- the only charity she donates to is the American Lawyers Guild a Communist front- Thesis on her "hero" Saul Alinsky

These are only a few of the Communists or sympathizers in the Obama administration. During the 1960's Nikita Khrushchev posited that Communism would take over America without ever firing a shot... the 16 years of Obama/Clinton was to be the culmination of that plan. It's important to remember that Communism (COMINTERN) is an international movement. When the USSR fell the locus of power merely shifted to Beijing. But this is much bigger than just a political shift, it's cultural as well and it includes many on the left in America- the ones so vehemently protesting the Trump presidency... and that includes Silicon Valley who plays an integral part of the plan.

While Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State she opened her private servers (where she kept secret government documents) to Chinese spies... this wasn't done by mistake, but as part of a plan. If anyone believes that Dianne Feinstein didn't know her driver/assistant was a spy, I have a nice bridge for sale. The Chinese have spent decades infiltrating our government. Another politician that bears close scrutiny is Judy Chu (D-CA) in the House of Representatives. Although the Chinese influence on our government is troubling, it pales in comparison to their influence in Silicon Valley.

It was reported late last week or early this week that motherboards for servers manufactured in China contained tiny devices that allowed the Chinese to monitor and in many cases control the servers. Bloomberg reported...

"Bloomberg has just published an explosive article claiming that a secret unit in the Chinese military has compromised the motherboards (the systems of chips and electronics that allow computers to work) of servers used by Apple, a bank and various government contractors."

"The reported exploit involved tiny components — some the size of a sharpened pencil tip — that were very difficult to spot but that provided a backdoor to the servers into which they were built. These components could reportedly communicate with external computers and download instructions from them, which could allow Chinese military hackers to compromise passwords and gain control over what the servers did. If the servers were used for sensitive tasks, this kind of access could have massive security repercussions."

Even more troubling than that is the cozy relationship between tech giant Google and the Chinese government. The Dragonfly project is a censored search engine that contains an algorithm that picks up on keywords and doesn't allow the searcher to find certain material... described as "collaborative filtering" it filters out terms such as "freedom of speech" or terms the government finds "threatening."

"Only a small group of Google engineers are reportedly developing the platform for Beijing, and information about the project has been so heavily guarded that only a few hundred Google employees even knew about it. Google has declined to comment publicly on Dragonfly, but Google CEO Sundar Pichai defended the project Thursday during a weekly staff meeting, saying that the project for China is merely in the “exploratory” stage."

The CEO of Google, of course, denies that the project is underway, but it's far more likely that it's already up and running. China is already a fully functioning technocracy, with facial recognition cameras on every street corner. Because of a lack of civilian oversight the Chinese government has a complete hegemony on power- a Totalitarian utopia. Any dissent is immediately quashed. China is also the test balloon for our own technocracy. Had Hillary Clinton won the election, the Dragonfly Project would be implemented here. Little by little the tech giants are censoring more and more groups and individuals that don't toe the party line... this is all a part of the plan- the Communist takeover of America. They never thought she would lose, but seeing that they did, Plan B was put into effect. Distract America with the Russian Hoax deflecting attention away from China and toward Russia. Silicon Valley has gone through with their part of the plan censoring conservatives. Whether or not President Trump can stop this plan remains to be seen.


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Seems to me we were sold out way before this. Not really sure what little time frame we were not sold out (other than briefly when Jackson was president). Certainly the history of the US has been steered by world players throughout the entirety of our existence, gaining much steam after WW2. I still suspect Trump may be a distraction for all of us. They seem to be steering any logical thinkers who are stumbling across the truth into a certain direction which means either they want us to go in this direction or they are so arrogant they wish to rub our noses in their evil.

If Trump turns out to be a distraction it will be a fatal miscalculation! There are too many good people depending on him and there will be violence unheard of in American history

What bothers me is it does seem they are pushing for just such a thing. I have never seen such insanity, such anger and violence being stirred/promoted by the main stream.

It's all they have left. I'm not one of those Q fanatics that believe him to be some kind of oracle, but he does get some things right... especially about them being stupid. They could have stopped the Kavanaugh appointment by telling the truth and swept the mid-terms if they had used their heads instead of that lunatic.

So America is in bed with the Chinese and my laptop is bugged by them. WOW! Very intriguing article. I hope Trump can fix that. Thanks @richq11

I think this is a lot of the trade war is about.

I agree. It's a magicians staple trick. Wave one hand and do the trick with the other.

I also say the "Nazi" and Antifacism stuff is a derailing thought train as well. I've said in my videos to think Chinese Cultural Revolution and not Nazi Germany. Think about how Moa managed to get his people to turn on each other and "struggle against" their own society. Resulting in mass starvation and finally to their current enslavement. Nope nope. Don't think about that! Focus on Nazi Germany. Same idea.

You got it my friend!

I read about those Chinese chips a few days ago, and still researching which ones it is.
And if they want to lock anyone up, they may want to start with the ultimate communist leader and social enemy of the world, also top funder of black lives matter, the Hitlary Clinton presidential campaign funding and antifa a one Mr George Soros, he lives in America anyway, so hardy difficult to find.

Interesting article Rich.

I'm with you... Soros is Public Enemy #1

They figure into it too... but at the top is COMINTERN!

Yes, but anybody ruling by force is not communing.

Communism and rule by force are mutually exclusive.
If you want to rule by force that is socialism.

I know it is a near futile to attempt at redeeming the word, but working from the truth is very important.

Interesting take. This is the first article I've liked here on Steemit.