The Technocracy and Q: Exposing The Deep State

in #informationwar7 years ago

Google Images (Now that's ironic)

[There's been a lot going on with Q lately. Apparently his 8Chan account has been hacked and some counterfeit posts were made. There are two I want to examine here- two I feel certain he (they) actually posted. I apologize beforehand if this analysis seems simplistic, but I'm trying not only to "preach to the choir" but to offer an explanation to anyone not familiar- these are the people that the Information War needs to reach]

I've been trying to come up with a fairly simple way to frame this post without it becoming a long convoluted narrative that winds round and round. It focuses on two of Q's recent posts, 964 and 972 and how they relate to Technocracy. So I guess step 1 should be the question: What is Technocracy? A Technocracy is a system where elites- a group or groups of scientists, engineers (including social engineers & social "scientists") and similar elites- Technocrats- control the political, economic and social design of a culture.

The next question is: What are Google, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, Twitter, etc., who created and controls them... and why, to what end? What all of the companies have in common, with the possible exception of Amazon (who still operates in the same manner) is that they are social media platforms that mine, collect and disseminate large amounts of the personal data of their users. They were designed by engineers (software engineers and programmers) and the data is sold or disseminated to social engineers- including security agencies within the government. The why, should by now, be abundantly clear- censorship and social control. And now to the Q posts...

First, let's get Facebook out of the way. Months before the revelations by Cambridge Analytica, Mark Zuckerberg began dumping large blocks of Facebook stock- why? Facebook signed an agreement (as likely did the other platforms) with the FCC to delete ALL collected user data after 30 days... An agreement they clearly didn't abide by. Zuckerberg's defense when confronted was that there was an option where users could delete their own data- the problem is that no one was informed of the option until after the CA leak (if it was there previously at all). It's very unlikely that Zuckerberg will get more punishment than a slap on the wrist... after all, how would it look for the legal profession if people that pay exorbitant legal fees went to jail? Facebook itself is likely to be in big trouble, however, seeing that Google mines 10X the data FB does, where does that put them?


(964)Mar 28 2018 00:03:07
Why did Kim travel to China?
Why was travel impossible in the past?
What changed?
What constitutes the need for a F2F meeting v. secured call?
What US publicly traded co. previously entered N. Korea to establish comms?
Think logically.

This is about a trip that Eric Schmidt took to set up a satellite communication system in North Korea and has been covered ad infinitum. It's the next part that needs explanation except to say that Schmidt is a Technocrat. (continuing with 964)

Who is Sergey Brin?
Where was Sergey born?
Think KGB.
US, China, N Korea [3].
FACEBOOK data dump?
Who made it public?
Who sold shares -30 days from announcement?
You can't imagine the magnitude of this.
Constitutional CRISIS.
Twitter coming soon.
GOOG coming soon.
AMAZON coming soon.
MICROSOFT coming soon.
Current censorship all relates to push for power [mid-terms].
Election FRAUD cases OPEN - DOJ [many].
Follow the FAMILY.
Follow resignations [Business/Gov't].
Who made it public?
Who really made it public?
Who is making it all public?

In this post Q writes: "Who is Sergey Brin?" and "Track the 'FAMILY' IMPORTANT" All in caps and family in quotes. So just who is Sergey Brin and his family? For anyone that's been on Mars for the last several years, Sergey is the co-founder of Google and and the current president of Alphabet, Google's parent company. Sergey was born in Moscow and is the son of Michael (Mikhail)Brin a Russian mathematician who worked for GOSPLAN, the central economic committee, as an economist. Michael applied for an exit visa in 1978 and received it in 1979 (record time). His mother is Eugenia Brin, a scientist at NASA's Goddard Center who does climate studies.

Now here's where things start to get interesting- Sergey's extended family... in particular his in-laws. In 2009 Sergey married Anne Wojcicki, daughter of Stanley Wojcicki former chair of physics at Stanford. Anne, CEO of 23andMe, a genetic mapping company, is a molecular biologist and sister of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki. I think I'm beginning to see a pattern developing here. The Silicon Valley elites have teamed up with members of the numerous alphabet government security agencies to form a part of the Technocratic Deep State.

(972)Mar 28 2018 16:17:02
Think outside the box.
Timing of release.
Post Facebook NEWS.
Facebook WW.
Tracking active.
Listening active.
Data shared.
Data USED.
Kickbacks BIG TIME>
Bypass regulations/laws?
Intelligence A's across the globe in partnership to spy on citizens?
Constitutional crisis?
Who can you trust?
Who organized?
How do social media/search engine platforms 'weight' elections?
Regulation or KILL-stop?
Peace through STRENGTH.

Much of this we've covered already... There are a few things worthy of taking note. "Data shared- Data used... Used for what?" Mostly opposition research- to track alternative voices for censorship. "Intelligence agencies (A's) across the globe in partnership to spy on citizens" FVEY is one... British intelligence (GCHQ) was used by Barack Obama to "farm out" spying on the Trump campaign which led to the Steele dossier (Steele himself a member of MI-5). US intelligence agencies use data from FVEY, who in turn monitors social media to skirt surveillance laws.

And finally, "Why is HUSSEIN [Obama] traveling the world conducting high-level meetings?" If anyone listened to his speech in Japan, they would know he's trying to get Deep State accomplices across the globe to institute stricter laws governing alt news access to the internet. As far as this goes- your guess is as good as mine... "Use logic.
Nancy Salzman [historical timeline].
MSM will not highlight 'bottom to top' unravel.

Anyone familiar with the Trilateral Commission is aware of a technocratic elite that is attempting to impose a global order of which Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, smart grids, smart technologies (Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc.) are a part. So too is the Deep State, Barack Obama, the Clintons and many others. Like George Carlin said: "It's a big fucking club and you ain't in it." The more aware people are, the better prepared they will be.




Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Exposing Deep State
Our Purpose

Pay attention to the Universities that the mentioned people come from. The communist technocrats tend to come from Stanford. Communist CIA tends to come from Harvard. They form cabals to snuff out any competition.

Amazon and Google were formed during the communist Clinton years. From 2004 to 2009, MySpace was the largest social networking site in the world. Obama became president in 2009. Twitter was created in 2006 and gained popularity during the Obama regime.

Notice how the story of the formation of Google parallels the story of the formation of Apple. The Google story is likely untrue just like their psyop promising a "free and open" web that will be good for society if everyone unselfishly shares their open source code. It is a reason that web pages are written in HTML and Javascript that isn't compiled and obfuscated. Programmers do the work, Google steals it and takes the profits.

I noticed that as well... It's Columbia, Stanford, Michigan, MIT, Ironically, the same Universities where the Frankfurt School, Tavistock Institute and the Rockefeller Foundation have footholds! That's my next post- I wanted to tie this one to Q's posts.

I cant believe i never noticed this

I hope 'Q' is what is says on the box.

taking a conspiratorial position (not like us on informationwars, I know lol)...

IF 'q' was psy op - its a very successful one to divert millions of hours a day away from other things that might be going on.

1 million people spending 2 hours = 2 million hours..

(I don't think it is, btw, -but we don't know, is all... just putting it out there)

I don't know if it's a psy op or not... at least it keeps me busy lol!

Very interesting @richq11, I hope you continue to post your thought's on Q's clues!

Thank you for this wonderful analysis, and I agree with you on the issue of penetrating accounts where you have not overlooked a number of important things