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RE: Infobyte: A Dirty Deed that was Done Dirt Cheap

It's scary how the vaccination programs have developed a cult following as well. I am shocked at how many get angry if you even raise questions regarding the dangers associated with injecting mercury and the other crap into the human body, especially during the formative years.


I agree the cult following is scary. All people can seem to remember is that vaccines are generally recognized as safe and effective (GRAS) by the FDA. This is tricky legalese that has a very specific meaning. However, when it falls upon most ears the common comprehension of these words is very different than the aforementioned specific meaning. To be honest, I don't think the preservatives and adjutants are even part of the vaccine itself, but rather additives to the vaccine. That said, when they speak of vaccine safety, they're not taking into consideration all of the ingredients.